Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Earth’s Major Rivers Are Drying Up Due to Historic Drought and Soaring Temperatures
Due to historic drought impacting numerous regions around the globe, the world’s major rivers are drying...
Dead Fish Fill Oder River, Prompting Germany and Poland to Investigate Source of Possible Contamination
Since last month, thousands of dead fish have been found in the Oder river in Poland, covering portions...
European Wildfires Are Detonating Unexploded 100-year-old Shells Fired in WWI
Ordnance used over 100 years ago and left on the battlegrounds of the First World War is now detonating...
Massive Flooding in China Submerges Roads, Traps Residents Inside Leaking Buildings
A number of cities and provinces across China are being battered by torrential downpours that have destroyed...
Torrential Downpours Kill Dozens of People in Southern China
As China attempts to recover from severe losses incurred by the nation’s “zero-COVID policies,” the country...
Millions of Americans Need to Prepare for Widespread Power Outages This Summer
Authorities are warning that extreme temperatures and widespread drought could cause America’s power...
Canada: Electricity Grid Damage ‘Beyond Comprehension’ Following Massive Weekend Storm, At Least 9 Dead
A powerful thunderstorm ripped through the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec over the weekend...
1 in 4 Africans Face Food Insecurity as Continent Suffers Worst Crisis Since 2017
On April 5, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported that almost a quarter of Africans...
Millions of Baby Oysters Rescued From Flood Waters in New South Wales
As northern New South Wales (NSW) faced one of its worst floods in over a decade, oyster farmers rushed...