Crystal Fang
Dr. Fang is a board-certified psychiatrist in the US. Upon realizing the strong connection between mind and body, she completed additional training in acupuncture and Integrative Medicine. Currently she is receiving training on TEAM-CBT, a cutting-edge and highly effective form of cognitive and behavioral therapy with a focus on empathy and compassion. She has a passion for eating healthy, laughing, meditation, history and culture.
Self-Help Tips to Tackle Negative Thoughts
Research suggests that "the brain is a large predictive machine, constantly comparing incoming sensory information and current experiences against stored knowledge and memories of previous experiences and predicting what will come next." So it seems...
Traditional Chinese Tips for Boosting Your Immunity This Fall
Autumn, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is the time of fruition, introspection, setting limits, protecting boundaries, taking in the pure and letting go, a time when the Lung meridian and large intestine channels take center...