Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Record Number of PLA Aircraft Intrude on Taiwan’s ADIZ
On Oct. 1, Communist China, yet again, breached Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), sending...
Taiwan Applies to Join CPTPP; May Be Accepted Before Beijing
According to the official website of China’s Ministry of Commerce, on Sept.16, People's Republic of China...
Nobuo Kishi said that peace in Taiwan is necessary for the international community.
Japan Promises ‘Necessary Response’ to China for Military Aggression Against Taiwan
Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi recently said that his country will provide a “necessary response...
Newly Elected Head of Taiwan’s KMT Pledges to Mend Ties With Mainland China, Re-establish Presence in
Winning 45 percent of the Kuomintang vote, Eric Chu defeated dark horse contender Chang Ya-chung, an...
Taiwan Air Force Repulses Mainland China Aircraft During Anti-landing Drills
In the midst of annual military drills, Taiwan’s air force has intercepted nine military aircraft of...
‘Sea Fortress’: Taiwan to Boost Military Spending by $8.7 Billion to Defend Against Communist China
The Republic of China (ROC) military will add 240 billion Taiwan dollars (US$8.7 billion) to its defense...
Taiwan Begins 5 Days Of War Games; Simulate PLA Biochemical Attack
On Monday, Sept. 13, Taiwan began a series of mock military exercises aimed to test the island nation...
Beijing Warns US Over Aircraft Detected Near Taiwan
A Chinese air force radio operator recently attempted to expel an American military aircraft in the midst...
People’s Liberation Army Sends 19 Combat Aircraft Into Taiwan’s ADIZ
In light of movement by mainland Chinese military forces, Taiwan’s defense ministry has reported at least...