Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Tag: culture

Invasive Chinese Snail Threatens Canada’s Lakes and Waterways
An invasive species is one that is introduced to an environment different from its native home, and greatly...
Saint Patrick and the Legends Behind Ireland’s Most Famous Holiday
The sound of bagpipes, the synchrony of Irish step-dancers, the poise of men in kilts parading the streets...
March 15: Beware The Ides of March
Every year, March 15 is branded with a mysterious and gloomy connotation. Movies, books and television...
The Wabi Sabi of Artisan Bread
Wabi sabi (侘寂) is a world view rooted in Zen Buddhism that believes that life is made of three simple...
Rescue Efforts Underway for Starving Manatees in Florida
Manatees, or sea cows, are unusual marine mammals that graze on seagrass and other aquatic plants in...
What exactly went wrong with wheat and other staple foods?
What Went Wrong With Wheat – Is This Staple Grain Making Us Sick?
With a whopping one in seven adults suffering some degree of sensitivity to wheat, many have explored...
How To Enhance Your Appearance for Online Meetings
To be frank... Video calls for all types of interactions aren't going away soon. Whether it's a catch-up...
The Giraffe – A Gentle Giant in Grave Danger
Standing tall at around 18 feet from head to hoof, the giraffe is an iconic symbol of Africa’s diverse...
The Polemic History of Crossword Puzzles
To many newspaper readers, solving the crossword puzzles inhabiting the back pages of the bundle has...
start seeds early with gallon jug greenhouse
Start Your Garden Now With Gallon Jug Greenhouses
Most home gardeners lack the luxury of a greenhouse, and resort to purchasing plants that could otherwise...
Exploring Consciousness – How Deep Does It Go?
While being conscious can seem to be our most fundamental trait as humans, it is also the most mysterious...
Spring Cleaning – Culture and Traditions
After a long cold winter, warmer weather and longer days bring forth buds and bulbs. Everyone looks forward...