Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Tag: global warming

How Climate Change Is Unexpectedly Benefiting the Wine Industry
Published with permission from LuxuryWeb Magazine Amid the often dire predictions surrounding global...
Blue sky with a few clouds.
Controversial Geoengineering Experiment Launched Quietly in San Francisco to Avoid Public Backlash
On Tuesday, April 2, researchers with the University of Washington quietly conducted a first-of-its-kind...
Glen Canyon Dam in Jeopardy as ‘Megadrought’ Threatens Hydroelectric Power Across America’s Southwest
Arizona’s Lake Powell, which now sits less than 35 feet above the water level required to power Glen...
Facility Designed to Fight Global Warming Breaks Down Due to Freezing Temperatures
A first of its kind facility located in Iceland east of Reykjavik, the Climeworks “Orca” plant, designed...