Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Tag: nature

Splashy Fun Without a Pool – 6 Freshwater Alternatives
At the height of summer, many of us are drawn towards the water — for relief, fun, and relaxation. While...
The Surprising Story Behind Starfish Vision
For a simple sea creature mostly made up of legs, it’s no secret that starfish get around, but how do...
Japanese Knotweed – An Incredibly Invasive Plant With a Remarkable Range of Utility
As a natural pioneer of the inhospitable slopes of volcanoes, Japanese Knotweed is almost impossible...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (H) Horsetail
Horsetail is a prehistoric plant traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments. It is especially...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (G) Geranium
Geraniums are among the long list of baffling botanical nomenclature. While the beautiful showy flowers...
The Fascinating Process Behind the Beauty of Natural Fibers (Part VIII): Pineapple
In our exploration of natural fibers we again return to South America to visit another dual-purpose crop...
Nature’s Mystery: The Egg-Laying Cliff on Gandang Mountain in China
Can cliffs lay eggs? That is what the cliff at the base of Mount Gandang in China's Guizhou province...
East Coast Earthquakes – What to Know
In response to a rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake, followed by multiple, smaller aftershocks, many East...
Beneath the Sea – An International Expo on Everything Aqua
Who doesn’t love the water? Beautiful, mysterious, powerful and vital — it soothes and nourishes both...
Sensible Solutions for Stink Bugs and Other Winter Pests
As winter closes in around us, the flu is not the only bug we might be warding off. A host of insects...
Ammolite – An Iridescent Gemstone Symbolizing Divine Assistance
In southwestern Alberta, where the vast prairies meet the peaks of the Rocky Mountains, lies the world's...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (D): Dill
Most of us are familiar with dill as a fresh-flavored herb used in fish dishes, creamy condiments, and...