Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Tag: nature

Sensible Solutions for Stink Bugs and Other Winter Pests
As winter closes in around us, the flu is not the only bug we might be warding off. A host of insects...
Ammolite – An Iridescent Gemstone Symbolizing Divine Assistance
In southwestern Alberta, where the vast prairies meet the peaks of the Rocky Mountains, lies the world's...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (D): Dill
Most of us are familiar with dill as a fresh-flavored herb used in fish dishes, creamy condiments, and...
Seasonal Eating for October, and Mushroom Hunting
As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, summer crops like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and...
Cormorant Fishing: A Millenary Tradition of Human-Wildlife Collaboration
On the ancient waters of the Lijiang River, surrounded by the enchanting peaks of the Guilin Mountains...
The Fascinating Process Behind the Beauty of Natural Fibers (Part VI): Fique
Our journey through the world of natural fibers takes us to South America, across the lively fields and...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (B): Beautyberry
In both the East and the West, before modern medicine there were herbs. People, mainly women, knew their...
Typhoon Khanun Makes Bizarre 90-degree Turn Towards Korea, Threatening Northeast China
Typhoon Khanun, the sixth typhoon to hit Asia this year, has once again changed its course, making a...
Mysterious Memory of Water and Its Astounding Applications
Many ancient philosophies recognize five elements as the fundamental building blocks of all matter. In...
Bach, Darwin, and the Question of Creation
Johann Sebastian Bach and Charles Darwin were two of the most creative minds of their time. Although...
Seasonal Eating for July, and the Topic of Landrace
Moving through the months to highlight suitable foods for seasonal eating, we have taken the opportunity...
Seed Saving Basics for the Home Gardener
Seed saving is not merely an economical tactic that will save you a good bit of money in the future;...