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Canadian Military Athletes May Have Contracted COVID-19 in China Weeks Before First Official Case Was Reported

A recent report by Rebel News revealed a leaked government document and testimony from an anonymous member of the Canadian military. It shows that Canadian soldiers might have contracted COVID-19 while in China for the Military World Games in October 2019. This was weeks before the first officially recognized case that was said to have […]
David Wagner
David Wagner is a University of Manitoba graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion in Sociology. He is interested in the psychology of religious and ideological belief and the relationship between religions and the state in totalitarian countries.
Published: February 1, 2021
A recent report by Rebel News revealed a leaked government document and testimony from an anonymous member of the Canadian military, exposing how Canadian soldiers likely contracted COVID-19 while in China for the Military World Games in October 2019.

A recent report by Rebel News revealed a leaked government document and testimony from an anonymous member of the Canadian military. It shows that Canadian soldiers might have contracted COVID-19 while in China for the Military World Games in October 2019. This was weeks before the first officially recognized case that was said to have taken place on November 17. The multi-sport competition event took place on October 18-27 in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

On their way home from China, one-third of the Canadian participants in the Military World Games were quarantined in the back of the plane. After arriving in Canada, none of them were tested, and they were all sent back to their respective homes across the country. 

The New York Post reported a similar situation in France, where many military athletes returned home after the competition in China with influenza symptoms, but none were tested. Later, once there was widespread knowledge of the pandemic, athletes found out through their WhatsApp group that they were not the only ones suffering from influenza-like symptoms, which may have been the coronavirus. Nearly 10,000 athletes from over 100 countries participated in the event.

Canadian soldiers may have contracted the virus while in China before the first official case was reported. (Image: Getty Images)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during an interview with News 1130: “There is certainly going to be a time for necessary accountability and understanding how the world ended up plunged into this terrible, terrible situation, and the role that China had to play in this as the origin of the virus is going to need to be known, and for China to not cooperate and not participate, and that is unfortunately very predictable given the recent stances by the Chinese government on collaborating with international authorities but is not going to be able to protect them from making sure that the truth does come out. We will find out how this virus started.”

However, many people say that this is too little, and too late, as the Toronto Sun reported: “By naively trusting false information from China’s dictators at the start of the pandemic a year ago, the WHO and the Trudeau government effectively downplayed its seriousness in the early weeks of the pandemic when it might have been possible to contain its spread.”

WHO begins investigating the origins of the coronavirus

According to Reuters, China has recently stepped up its efforts to present a favorable narrative about the origins of the pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) is presently conducting a major investigation to discover more information about the origin of the virus. The investigations come after growing criticism over the past year toward the WHO for favoring China and allowing them to get away with concealing information and secrecy. Just recently, “a study by China’s Center for Disease Control showed that blood samples from 4.43% of <a href=”http://The World Health Organization (WHO) identified a seafood market in Wuhan as being the starting point of the outbreak. (Image: pxhere / CC0 1.0Wuhan’s population contained COVID-19 antibodies, indicating that the city’s infection rates were far higher than originally acknowledged,” Reuters reported.

The AP found: “The [Chinese] government is handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to scientists researching the virus’ origins in southern China and affiliated with the military… But it is monitoring their findings and mandating that the publication of any data or research must be approved by a new task force managed by China’s cabinet, under direct orders from President Xi Jinping.”

Director of the WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently said that the world is on the brink of “catastrophic moral failure” due to the disparity between the rich countries who have an abundance of vaccines and the poorer countries have very little. The BBC reported: “China, India, Russia, the UK, and the US have all developed Covid vaccines, with others being made by multinational teams — like the American-German Pfizer vaccine. Almost all of these nations have prioritized distribution to their own populations.” They also reported that Canada in particular is hoarding enough vaccines to protect each Canadian five times over. 

In mid-April last year, former President Donald Trump cut off funding and withdrew involvement with the WHO after claiming that it was a “puppet of China.”

President Joe Biden has reverted U.S. involvement back to what it was before Trump withdrew. Trudeau and Biden are expected to meet next month and have agreed to join forces to combat the pandemic in North America. 

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