Under the Biden administration’s directive, U.S. Border Patrol agents released 108 undocumented immigrants into Texas in late January. The illegal immigrants were rapid-tested in Brownsville, Cameron County; they all had SARS-CoV-2.
In an interview with Fox News, a spokesperson for Brownsville, Felipe Romero, said that city authorities do not have the power to stop infected migrants from traveling to other parts of the country.
Romero revealed that 6.3 percent of migrants in Brownsville have tested positive for coronavirus since Jan. 25. For the county, 13.8 percent have tested positive. Democrat Representative Henry Cuellar said that the surge of migrants across the border would become a major problem.
“It is not a crisis yet, but it will become a crisis… The numbers are just increasing every day. The number of unaccompanied kids, the number of families who are coming in are just increasing every day. In my district, just a couple of days ago, 166 people. And it goes on, and just different numbers are going up. So, it’s not a crisis yet, but it’s going to get there very soon,” Cuellar told Fox News.
Infected immigrants
White House sources informed Fox News that they are aware that some infected migrants continue to travel despite being advised to remain in quarantine. The COVID-19 test at the border is being handled by the state and local governments in partnership with various NGOs.
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Republican Governor Greg Abbott slammed President Joe Biden for allowing hundreds of coronavirus-infected undocumented migrants to spread throughout his state. He demanded that Biden immediately halt the release of infected immigrants to protect Texans and Americans from exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
Texas Republican Lance Gooden criticized Biden’s focus on making Texas wear a face mask rather than stopping infected migrants from spreading the disease. He said that deciding whether to wear a mask or not is a personal one. By ending the mask-wearing mandate, the Abbott administration has given Texans the freedom to make that choice.
Republican Mo Brooks called the administration’s policy of catching illegal aliens with COVID-19 and releasing them into the United States as “anti-America First and anti-Science.” He called out the hypocrisy of socialist Democrats building a wall around the Capitol to protect themselves while failing to protect Americans from the threat of migrants who come from outside.
Car crash in California
Thirteen migrants are dead and even more injured from a car crash in southern California, just a few miles away from the Mexico border. The illegal aliens were smuggled near Calexico through a border fence that has been in disrepair.
The car crash happened on Highway 115 at Norrish Road in Holtville. The vehicle carrying the migrants collided with a semi-truck. El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gregory Bovino said in a news conference that the deceased was part of a larger group of 44 people smuggled into the U.S.
“We pray for the accident victims and their families during this difficult time… Those who may be contemplating crossing the border illegally should pause to think of the dangers that all too often end in tragedy, tragedies our Border Patrol Agents and first responders are unfortunately very familiar with,” Bovino said at the news conference.
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