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Canadian Military Source Tells Jordan Peterson to Get His Money Out of Canadian Banks

Published: February 22, 2022
Jordan Peterson addresses students at The Cambridge Union on Nov. 02, 2018 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. (Image: Chris Williamson/Getty Images)

Jordan Peterson, author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, clinical psychologist and popular YouTube personality, has received some startling advice from a source he deems reliable within the Canadian military.

On Feb. 22 in a Facebook post Peterson said, “I’ve been in contact with a reliable source within the Canadian military and he told me today by email that if I had any sense I’d take my money out of the Canadian banks because the situation is far worse than I’ve been informed.”

Wielding powers granted via the Emergencies Act the Trudeau government has been freezing bank accounts of people connected to the Freedom Convoy 2022 protests that erupted in Ottawa and across the country at the end of January. To date between 206 and 210 accounts have been frozen containing some $7.8 million in funds, The Star reported.  

Isabelle Jacques, assistant deputy minister of finance, has said that the emergency financial orders that took effect on Feb. 15 were not retroactive, meaning anyone who donated to the movement prior to the 15th should not fear that their bank accounts are going to be frozen. 

However, reports have surfaced that people who legally donated to a GiveSendGo campaign, set up to finance the trucker protests, have had their bank accounts frozen.

Canadian MP Mark Strahl, a Conservative Member of Parliament for Chilliwack, said that a constituent of his, a single mother who legally donated $50 to the campaign prior to Feb. 15, has had her account frozen. 

“She hasn’t participated in any other way. Her bank account has now been frozen,” Strahl wrote. 

In an about face the Canadian federal government is now saying that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are working with financial institutions to unfreeze accounts seized under the Emergencies Act, The Star reported. 

Jacques said that the RCMP began “sharing information” with banks and financial institutions on Monday that should result in affected accounts being “unfrozen.”

Jacques said on Tuesday that bank accounts may still be subject to other freeze orders issued by the province or by an Ontario Superior Court trial judge.

The confusion, spurred by the Trudeau administration, risks further undermining confidence in Canada’s banking system at a time when many communities are still struggling to recover from harsh lock downs and other COVID-19 containment measures that have wreaked havoc on the Canadian economy.