Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Ila Bonczek

Ila lives in the Garden State with her family and four chickens. She has been growing produce and perennials for 20 years, and recommends gardening for food and fun, but not for fortune.
The Traditional Chinese Garden – A Miniature of Nature, in Harmony With Man
The traditional Chinese Garden has a recorded history of over three thousand years. Still treasured today, the enduring garden style includes specific design traits and meaningful features. Large or small, the garden focuses on conveying...
Self-Compassion – To Nurture Empathy, Start With Yourself
Ancient wisdom and spiritual practices from every culture advocate compassion, or the expression of empathy towards others in their suffering; but for some of us, compassion doesn’t seem to come naturally. Whether it be a...
Patchouli Plant- A Therapeutic Herb You Can Grow at Home
Patchouli, Pogostemon cablin, is a perennial member of the mint family. The plant has a complex musky-earthy scent that has been treasured as a fragrance since the time of ancient Egyptians, around 4,500 BC. It...
Happy Chinese New Year – Year of the Tiger!
As the Chinese, or Lunar New Year begins, we enter a new zodiac. This year, 2022, is the year of the tiger, based on the Chinese 12-year cycle. Over a billion people around the world...
Musical Mushrooms
The world of mushrooms is vast and mysterious. Some are delicious and others are murderous, but did you know that some were melodious? Various experiments have shown that mushrooms emit sound when connected to the...
Cycad Plant Poaching: Ancient Species Hunted to Extinction
Cycads (Order Cycadales) are a non-flowering dioecious plant with fossil records reaching back 300 million years. These gymnosperms thrived during the Jurassic Period, along with the dinosaurs. While many species survive today, Most of those...
How To Recognize and Break an Amazon Addiction
Does Amazon shopping consume a significant portion of your week? Do you hide unnecessary Amazon purchases from your family members? Are you spending more than you can afford in Amazon purchases? Chances are you have an Amazon...
Hand-Holding Benefits: 6 Reasons to Hold Hands With Someone Today
People need love and validation. Hand-holding benefits us in that it satisfies this basic need. On top of that, our hands communicate accurate and unambiguous information with others through touch, owing to their extensive sensory...
Martin Luther King Jr.–The Makings of a Hero
As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday this Monday, let us reflect and remember what it was that made him one of the greatest inspirational heroes of our nation. King himself was inspired by...
When the Temperature Plunges, Break out the Bubbles! How To Make Frozen Soap Bubbles
Come winter, animals hunker down, plants go dormant, and nature enjoys a stillness much like meditation. A frigid outing can be invigorating, and also offer breathtaking scenery; but don’t have to go far to enjoy...
Cargo Containers: A Closer Look at the Box that Blocks Our Supply Chain
Cargo containers can be seen in practically every cargo ship across the seas and oceans, as today’s worldwide shipping network is dependent on these huge metal boxes to deliver goods from one country to the...
Repurpose Your Christmas Tree to Grow Food, and More!
With the Christmas season officially over, many of us will be disposing of our living Christmas trees. While most municipalities will repurpose your Christmas tree for you by chipping them into mulch; you may like...