Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Ila Bonczek

Ila lives in the Garden State with her family and four chickens. She has been growing produce and perennials for 20 years, and recommends gardening for food and fun, but not for fortune.
Sweet Mesquite: Quietly Invasive yet Incredibly Useful
While many of us are familiar with mesquite as a distinct barbeque flavor, or the charcoal that lends such a flavor, the mesquite tree has much more to offer. Called everything from the “tree of...
Ila’s Amazing Chocobites Recipe–A Healthy Treat That’s Easy to Make and Hard to Resist
Even the healthiest eaters enjoy something sweet now and then. This recipe was inspired by a wish to make a Swedish favorite into something suitable for restricted diets. Neither a candy nor a cookie, chocobites...
Building with Bamboo: A Sustainable Product With Boundless Utility
Bamboo has been used in its native China for around 7,000 years. While China is still the leading producer, bamboo can be found in every corner of the globe, with international uses ranging from building...
Bringing in Your Tender Perennials for Winter – 6 Simple Steps
Although winter is still a ways off, now is the time to start preparing your plants for either transition, or surviving whatever nature has to offer. Many tender perennials can be brought in as houseplants...
Understanding and Overcoming Loneliness – A Common Cause of Depression
Often linked with depression, loneliness is a psychological state that impacts physical health and may even lead to premature death — and it is more widespread than one might imagine. One Cigna survey of 10,000...
Calming the Control Freak in You
Do you have an inner control freak? Most of us have the wish to control more in life than is possible. While the intent of our desire for control is to achieve comfort, happiness or...
Reflexology – An Ancient Approach to Wellness, Starting With the Feet!
Do you sometimes find yourself rubbing your sore feet? Hey, guess what — you’re onto something! Reflexology is an ancient massage practice based on the understanding that the whole body is connected, be it by...
Making Mooncakes: A Chinese Recipe for Reunion
Mooncakes are a traditional Chinese dessert served during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Topped with elaborate patterns, these rich pastries are exchanged as gifts while families reunite for the holiday. Traditional mooncakes made with quality ingredients can...
The Delightful Dragonfly: Facts, Fables and Spiritual Insight
With wings like a fairy’s and colors to match, it’s no wonder the dragonfly is mired in myth and superstition. The magical tales revolving around dragonflies are as varied as the lands in which they...
Okra Attracts Microplastics – an Odd Fruit With an Unusual Application
Largely considered a vegetable, okra is actually, botanically, a fruit — as it carries seeds. This prickly-on-the-outside and slimy-on-the-inside pod may also hold the secret to microplastic management. Studies have shown that okra attracts microplastics in...
Is Good Posture a Thing of the Past? 10 Reasons It’s Worth Pursuing and How to Achieve It
Good posture used to be a serious issue, stressed both at school and in the home. Although those rigid standards have largely disappeared, we have again come to recognize the importance of good posture for...
Maintain a Productive Garden Through Fall: Seasonal Tips
As summer winds down, you may find that your garden has gotten out of your hands. It is truly incredible how much some plants can grow in a few short months, while others may be...