Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Ila Bonczek

Ila lives in the Garden State with her family and four chickens. She has been growing produce and perennials for 20 years, and recommends gardening for food and fun, but not for fortune.
Sowing Seeds in February? You Bet! Early Planting Guide for Home Gardeners
To make the most of your growing season, save a bundle on plant material, and — most importantly — get your green thumb warmed up for a productive year, consider sowing seeds indoors.  If you’re...
Tea in India – An Internationally Recognized Cultural Treasure
Everyone in India has been raised with the belief that the day should begin with tea, and most people also enjoy it throughout the day.  If you take a look, you will notice that nearly...
Spheres: Exploring the Mystery and Mysticism of Nature’s Most Perfect Form
From the microscopic building blocks of life, to the countless cosmic bodies that resemble our own planet; we seem to be both immersed in and surrounded by spheres. Nature has provided so many examples of...
Embrace Humility and Erase Irritability
Do you find yourself snapping at, or complaining about, or annoyed by others? Do some things just seem to rub you the wrong way? Maybe it’s time to take a critical look at your values....
The Fabled Chronicles of Christmas Botanicals
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, you are certainly familiar with some of the many plants associated with this holiday. From the original Christmas gifts of frankincense and myrrh to the 70 million festive poinsettias...
Potpourri Project: Brighten Any Season With Hand-Crafted, All-Natural, Scented Gifts
Potpourri has long been used as a means to freshen the scent of indoor spaces, but it wasn’t always pretty. The French “pot-pourri,” from which our English word is derived, literally means putrid pot —...
Handwriting – A Dying Skill Well Worth Reviving
Since recorded history began, good handwriting has been a valued and highly-esteemed skill. Often considered an art, handwriting was once the primary means of creating important documents, communicating by letter, and preserving written memories.  As...
Healing Houseplants: Do Your Potted Plants Have Medicinal Value?
The simple presence of plants in our environment is known to be beneficial in many ways — they help reduce stress, improve focus, facilitate healing, and act as natural air-purifiers and humidifiers; but some common...
Dissolve Resentment and Discover Contentment
Resentment is often compared with taking poison and expecting it to harm the offender rather than yourself — an unwise choice no matter how you look at it. The negative effects of resentment are numerous,...
Vegetarian Thanksgiving? Original Recipe Trio for the Taste of Tradition, Without the Turkey
Although there are countless options for vegetarian sides at Thanksgiving; the bird, the stuffing and the gravy can be a stumper for non-meat-eaters. This original recipe trio will get you past that hump, and on...
Practical Feng Shui – Energize Your Space and Spirit Through Ancient Principles of Geomancy
Feng shui (風水), translated literally as “wind water,” is the ancient Chinese practice of aligning physical and energetic elements of an environment to achieve harmony and balance, resulting in improved energy and mood for those...
Korean Kimchi Made Easy – Recipe
Kimchi is a Korean pickle that really packs a punch. Like other fermentation processes, it has not grown old with the passage of time; but ripens and grows in popularity. This spicy condiment can, for...