Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Musk: ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Will Make It Impossible for Humanity to Reach Mars
As the world’s wealthiest man haggles over a $44-billion deal to acquire Twitter, he has become more...
China Points to Regulatory Easing After Tech Meeting, But Analysts Warn it Won’t Be That Simple
On May 17, Chinese officials met with some of the country’s most prominent tech executives amid a year-long...
Exploring Black Holes: Nature’s Most Perplexing Creation
Black holes are regions in the Universe where the forces of gravity are so powerful that anything around...
Chinese State-linked Newspaper Brands Hong Kong Journalist Association as ‘Anti-China,’ Calls for Its
A newspaper backed by the Chinese regime has called on a prominent journalists' association in Hong Kong...
Confirmed: Meteor That Struck Earth in 2014 Is First Known Interstellar Object
On April 13, U.S. officials confirmed that a small meteorite that splashed down into the ocean near Papua...
"Hamilton's Object"
Solving a Mysterious Phenomenon of ‘Mirror’ Galaxy That Had Astronomers Scratching Their Heads for Years
A mysterious celestial object was captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope that seemed to be a pair...
Galaxy Gazing: A Mesmerizing Experience
The Milky Way is the galaxy, out of more than 100 billion galaxies in the Universe, that contains our...
Exploring Consciousness – How Deep Does It Go?
While being conscious can seem to be our most fundamental trait as humans, it is also the most mysterious...
This handout photo made available by the European Southern Observatory on December 8, 2021, shows an artist's impression of a close up of b Centauri's giant planet "b Centauri b".
Third Planet in a Star System Far, Far Away
In February, scientists likely found a new planet called Proxima d, out in the neighboring star system...