Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Ila Bonczek

Ila lives in the Garden State with her family and four chickens. She has been growing produce and perennials for 20 years, and recommends gardening for food and fun, but not for fortune.
How to Find True Love This Valentine’s Day, and Every Day
Valentine’s Day can be a challenge for anyone, whether you have a sweetheart or not. Fabricated pressure to express “true love,” combined with the emphasis on having a “special someone” can make Valentine’s Day stressful,...
A Dozen Ways to Do Away With Contaminants in Drinking Water
Considering the fact that the average human body is about 60 percent water, it would really be remarkable if water quality did not affect our health; yet contaminants in drinking water only became a serious...
Seasonal Eating for February, and Traditional Chinese Hot Pot
While February’s main highlight in the Western world is Valentine’s day (hardly a highlight for those without a sweetheart), this month holds some of the most celebrated dates in Chinese tradition. The Lunar New Year...
Sensible Solutions for Stink Bugs and Other Winter Pests
As winter closes in around us, the flu is not the only bug we might be warding off. A host of insects, including stink bugs, seek the warmth of a house during the colder months....
Tune in to Your Body’s Optimum Frequency (Part IV): 6 Easily Accessible Forms of Sound Therapy
If you’ve followed the first parts of this series, you know that sound therapy is an ancient healing method that uses vibrational frequencies to restore balance and health in both mind and body; and it...
Seasonal Eating for January, and Baking Whole Grain Sourdough Bread
January places us square in the season of winter, where our instinct to conserve energy and keep warm has us craving hot soups, dense roots and, of course, calorie-rich carbs. While the foods discussed in...
All You Need to Know About Panettone – An Italian Holiday Classic
Neither fruit cake nor sourdough, an authentic panettone falls somewhere in between. A tradition that began as early as the middle ages, this leavened sweetbread was perfected in Milan to become the classic Italian treat...
Solving the Present Puzzle: A Practical Guide to Giving Gifts
About 95 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas in one way or another; but for many, the holiday spirit is clouded by stress. An anxiety to fulfill others’ wishes and expectations for gifts can be overwhelming,...
Tune in to Your Body’s Optimum Frequency (Part III): What Sound Therapy Can Do for You
As we have seen in the first two parts of this series, sound therapy is an ancient healing practice with spiritual roots. The significance of certain frequencies regarding healing was highlighted in the 1970s, after...
root vegetables-Flickr
Seasonal Eating for December, and Relishing Your Roots (Recipes)
As we approach the dearth of winter, nature slows down to rest and so should we. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) this is the most yin portion of the year. Unlike the expansive yang...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (E) Echinacea
Echinacea, or purple coneflower, is well known for its immune-boosting abilities. After gaining popularity among eclectic physicians in the late 1800s, echinacea became one of the most common herbal remedies sold commercially.  While many studies...
Tune in to Your Body’s Optimum Frequency (Part II): The Theory and Science Behind Sound Therapy
As we saw in the first part of this series, using sound as a tool for healing is almost as old as civilization itself. In recent times, this traditional therapy has proven effective in many...