Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Rescued Rhinoceros Becomes a Proud Papa After Recovering From Poached Horns
Seha the rhinoceros was left for dead by poachers in 2016. Endangered wildlife preservation organization...
Gated Argentinian Community Overrun by Native Capybaras
Several wealthy Argentines, including business moguls and soccer stars, choose the Nordelta villas as...
3 Touching Tales of Animals With Big Hearts
Beluga whale saves a drowning diver When cramps paralyzed a freediver’s legs in icy waters, and she...
Bubba the Rescue Bird Both Sings and Speaks
In the southeastern Australian state of Victoria, a kind-hearted gentleman taught an orphaned starling...
This Sea Creature Has a Surprisingly Simple Solution to One of the Ocean’s Greatest Threats: Microplastics
Plastic has been used en masse for less than a century, but has had a huge and lasting impact on our...
Talking Duck Has a ‘Fowl’ Mouth
While we are all familiar with talking parrots, and even the odd talking raven, these birds are exceptional...
Geronimo – Long Legal Battle Ends With the Death of a British Alpaca
The eight year old alpaca Geronimo, owned by a veterinary nurse, was finally put down four years after...
Millions of dollars worth of pangolin scales were sized in China.
Huge Consignment of Illegally Trafficked Pangolin Scales Seized in Communist China
The police in communist China recently seized eight tons of pangolin scales from a wildlife-smuggling...
The Beauty and Genius of Birds’ Treasures – Feathers
From a tropical parrot’s vibrant array of colors, to the soft and subtle iridescence of a city pigeon...