Truth, Inspiration, Hope.
Starting a Garden, Step by Step
With food prices plus a host of world crises on the rise, many are exploring a more self-sufficient and...
Japanese Joro Spider May Be a Welcome Invader
A Japanese invader is taking hold in the U.S, but it may do more good than harm. The Joro spider is termed...
Pigeon Forms Interspecies Bonds at Mia Foundation for Disabled Animals
Humans and pigeons share a long history. Although many city-dwellers consider them a nuisance, pigeons...
Therapeutic Photography – Making Peace With The Past Through Pictures
It was March 15, 2016 when Roy, Shelley Lynch’s husband, suddenly passed away from an aortic dissection...
Meet the Lowland Streaked Tenrec of Madagascar
The lowland streaked Tenrec is a peculiar animal that inhabits the eastern region of Madagascar. With...
Invasive Chinese Snail Threatens Canada’s Lakes and Waterways
An invasive species is one that is introduced to an environment different from its native home, and greatly...
Novel Vampire Squid and Other Wonders of the Sea
With more than two-thirds of the earth's surface covered by water, the ocean continues to hold an incredible...
Small Team Braved Lava and Ash to Save Animals From Active Volcano
In a tale akin to Noah’s Ark, a group of rescuers braved Mother Nature herself to save helpless animals...
Rescue Efforts Underway for Starving Manatees in Florida
Manatees, or sea cows, are unusual marine mammals that graze on seagrass and other aquatic plants in...