Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Delightful Diminutives: Why Miniature is Captivating to the Max
From a very early age, we are engrossed in the miniature. Our world of play is packed with puny people...
Indian Folktales With Moral Lessons – Part II: Character Matters More Than Reputation
Throughout the generations, storytelling has been one of the most effective and compelling ways to teach...
Mr. Pickles, a 90-Year-Old Radiated Tortoise, Fathers Three Hatchlings
A 90-year-old tortoise at the Houston Zoo became the father of three young hatchlings on March 16, something...
Antarctica, Land at the End of the Earth (Part I)
Reposted with permission from While I was aware that Antarctica is one of the coldest...
US Court Decision a Possible Lifeline for Critically Endangered Maui Dolphin
A small sea mammal whose only home is to be found in the harbours and off the seashore of New Zealand...
Monarch butterflies rest on a tree at the Sierra Chincua butterfly sanctuary in Angangeo, Michoacan state, Mexico December 3, 2022. (Image: Screenshot / REUTERS)
In Mexico, Endangered Monarch Butterflies Inspire Hopes of a Comeback
By Brendan O'Boyle and Alberto Fajardo SIERRA CHINCUA, Mexico - From a distance, they appear like...
Inspiration From the Bold and Beautiful Blue Jay
With its gleaming coat to match the brightest sunlit sky, the blue jay is one of many captivating birds...
World’s Biggest Bats – The Fruit-Eating Flying Fox
The world’s biggest bats (Pteropus sp.), also known as flying foxes — or Old World fruit bats — are many...
The Omnipotent Owl – Why Are We Drawn to This Ancient Symbol of Wisdom?
Like a great sage, an owl sits stock-still, seeing everything, but saying nothing. When she takes action...