Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


The Wrist Watch: A Timeless Timepiece
Other than humans, all animals exist in the now, with no feeling of past, present, or future. Our awareness...
Understanding Aromatherapy: Why Smells Moderate Mood, and More
Many people may see aromatherapy as a mystical practice with little scientific basis. In fact, the use...
Gated Argentinian Community Overrun by Native Capybaras
Several wealthy Argentines, including business moguls and soccer stars, choose the Nordelta villas as...
How to Be More Decisive
Decision making is a part of life. It is how we move forward and shape our destinies. From choosing a...
3 Touching Tales of Animals With Big Hearts
Beluga whale saves a drowning diver When cramps paralyzed a freediver’s legs in icy waters, and she...
The Charm of Chinese Chopsticks
The Chinese-invented chopsticks have become one of the world's most popular and essential eating tools...
Sugar: An Addictive Additive That We Would Do Well to Avoid
To understand our relationship with sugar, we should look at its history, the extent of its effects on...
How to Let Go of Unhealthy Attachments
It's no secret that nature, which includes our minds and bodies, follows well-defined patterns. All we...
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British Review: Inclusion of Biologically Male Athletes Competing Against Females at Odds With Fairplay
An audit on transgender athletes participating in sports competitions by a United Kingdom's Sports thinktank...