Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Tokyo 2020 President Seiko Hashimoto speaks during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games executive board meeting in Tokyo on June 8, 2021. Media will be tracked by GPS, kettled in hotels, and deported for non-compliance in a bid to appease pandemic measure hysterics during the Tokyo Olympics, set to begin in late July.
Japan Will Track Media With GPS, Deport for Non-Compliance at Tokyo Olympics Amid COVID Hysteria
Foreign reporters attending the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which are postponed until July and August of this...
On the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident, Microsoft Bing failed to show image results when users searched for “Tank Man.”
Microsoft Bing Accused of Censoring Anti-CCP Content on Tiananmen Anniversary, Planning Tool to Remove
The Microsoft Bing search engine has been accused of censoring “Tank Man” pictures in its search results...
EU Commissioner of Competition Margrethe Vestager gave a joint press on Antitrust: Google online search advertising at the EU headquarters in Brussels on March 20, 2019, after Google was slapped with a fine over unfair competition. This month, Google was forced to change its marketing practices after French authorities called out foul play.
French Regulator Fines Google Nearly $270 Million for Unfair Advertising Practices
Google was fined 220 million Euros (268 million US dollars) on Monday, June 7 by France’s Competition...
U.S. Proof Silver Eagle bullion coin. Physical silver shortage is a widespread phenomenon as demand is outpacing supply in a chaotic world.
US Mint Backtracks on ‘Global Silver Shortage’ Claims, Stoking Supply Fears
On May 27 the United States Mint sent an email to customers that greatly alarmed silver bulls and proponents...
Senate Passes Bill Investing Billions in Next-Generation Tech to Counter China, Spur Innovation
The U.S. government is poised to pour close to $250 billion dollars of new investment into its tech sector...
Former U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the NCGOP state convention on June 5, 2021 in Greenville, North Carolina. The event is one of former U.S. President Donald Trump’s first high-profile public appearances since leaving the White House in January.
Trump Talks COVID-19 Reparations, Border Security, and Radical Leftism at Republican Convention
On June 5, former President Donald Trump delivered a speech at the North Carolina Republican State Convention...
Chinese Authorities Deploy Emotion Detection Technology in Xinjiang: BBC
Communist China has tested a camera system on Uyghurs that combines AI with facial recognition to identify...
Y-20 transport plane South China Sea Chinese air force
Malaysian Air Force Intercepts Chinese Planes Over South China Sea
Chinese planes recently breached Malaysia’s maritime airspace, flying just 60 nautical miles from the...
China’s 3-Child Policy Attempts to Address Looming Population Crisis
In what appears to be a desperate attempt to address falling birthrates and a rapidly aging population...