Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


How an Ex-GM VP and Billionaire Software Mogul Crippled Red China’s Huawei
A billionaire U.S. tech mogul who first climbed the ivory towers of Detroit and Silicon Valley before...
Aerospace Company Honeywell Fined for Leaking Defense Secrets, Including to China
Honeywell, a major American aerospace and engineering firm, has been fined 13 million dollars by the...
National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins speaks during a vaccination acceptance public relations event at Washington National Cathedral March 16, 2021. NIH’s Deputy Director for Extramural Research revealed more than 500 U.S. scientists are under investigation for lying about how much time they spend with the Chinese Communist Party.
500 Scientists Under Investigation After Spending ‘50 to 60 percent of their time’ in Communist China
A Director for the National institute of Health (NIH) says officials are investigating more than 500...
Vials of the Russian Sputnik V adenovirus vector SARS-CoV-2 vaccine at the Victorino Santaella Hospital in Los Teques, Venezuela on April 9, 2021. Brazil recently banned Russia’s vaccine candidate after discovering live adenovirus in samples and substandard manufacturing conditions in factories.
Brazil Bans Russia’s Sputnik V After Live Adenovirus Detected
Brazil’s top health regulatory body has banned Russia’s Sputnik V SARS-CoV-2 vaccine after samples studied...
This photo taken on April 23, 2021 shows the Long March 5B rocket, which launched China's Tianhe space station core module on April 29, at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site. NASA criticized the CCP after the world was fortunate enough to have the rocket land in the Indian Ocean.
Chinese Criticize Regime for Using Free-falling Rocket to Mock India Pandemic Losses
Chinese took to the internet to complain after the Chinese Communist Party’s internal security apparatus...
China’s Overseas Laborers Suffer Frequent Abuse Working on Belt-and-Road Projects
Human trafficking in an age where building large infrastructure projects demands the use of many laborers...
Pedestrians walk past a billboard for China's coming census on October 29, 2010 in Beijing. The release of data from China’s 2020 Census has been repeatedly delayed. Many analysts speculate the communist nation is facing a severe population decline stemming from a multitude of hard-to-resolve factors.
China’s Delayed Census Points to Severe Population Decline
China's seventh census, which was scheduled for release in April, is still yet to be released as of May...
Nine four-star generals have asked top spy chiefs to declassify the intel they have on Russian and Chinese schemes aimed at undermining America.
US Generals Ask Spy Chiefs to Declassify Intel on Chinese and Russian Schemes, PLA Nuclear Capability
Last year, nine four-star generals sent a memo to top officials of the U.S. intelligence community, requesting...
Pandemic Caused Computer Chip Shortage for Automakers Worsens After Fire at Japanese Factory
Automakers around the world are feeling the harmful effects of a semiconductor computer chip shortage...