Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Wildfires in Canada Cause Yellowish Skies, Bad Air in Northeastern US
New York and the rest of the northeastern U.S. are experiencing "unhealthy" air quality as thick wildfire...
Canadian corporations are promoting digital ID in a new white paper
Digital ID Promoted By Major Canadian Companies In New White Paper
One of the fundamental underpinning elements of a social credit system, digital identification, has been...
Calgary Amends Law to Ban Photos of Aborted Children in Pro-life Material
Images of aborted fetuses may no longer be distributed as part of pro-life materials in the city of Calgary...
Quebec paid doctors $6 million to conduct assisted suicide and services related in 2022.
Quebec Doctors Billed Province $6 Million For Legalized Euthanasia In 2022
Doctors in the Canadian Province of Quebec billed out almost $6 million for the controversial legalized...
Two men are charged with arson after the St. Bernard Catholic Church in Grouard was destroyed by arson
120-Year-old Alberta Church Destroyed By Fire, Two Men Charged With Arson
A church that has stood for 120 years in the small town of Grouard in the Canadian Province of Alberta...
As Wildfires Rage in Canada Air Quality Plummets For Millions, Thousands Evacuated
With nearly 100 wildfires burning across the Canadian province of Alberta, air quality has plummeted...
Anti-capitalist Marxist coffee shop The Anarchist in Toronto is out of business after just 14 months
Toronto Anti-capitalist Coffee Shop Goes Bust After Just 14 Months in Business
A coffee shop in Toronto, Canada created and operating with heavy leftist and anti-capitalism overtones...
Canada has expelled diplomat Zhao Wei after a new CSIS leak said MP Michael Chong was targeted over a Uyghur genocide resolution.
Canada Expels Chinese Diplomat After Latest CSIS Leaks Embroil Communist Party Influence Operation
The Government of Canada has declared a Chinese diplomat “persona non grata,” expelling them from the...
‘Out of business’: Canada’s Military ‘Decimated’ By Vaccine Mandates
According to testimony by Catherine Christensen, a Canadian litigation lawyer who represents military...