Tag: traditional medicine
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (J) Jewelweed
While it is not exactly ornamental, jewelweed has many attractive qualities and applications that can...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (I) Indigos
Indigo is not only a color, but also a subject of much botanical interest. Best known as a source of...
Japanese Knotweed – An Incredibly Invasive Plant With a Remarkable Range of Utility
As a natural pioneer of the inhospitable slopes of volcanoes, Japanese Knotweed is almost impossible...
Ashwagandha: Natural Stress Relief From Ancient India
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an evergreen shrub of the nightshade (Solanacea) family that has...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (G) Geranium
Geraniums are among the long list of baffling botanical nomenclature. While the beautiful showy flowers...
For Powerful Traditional Remedies, Know and Grow Medicinal Herbs (C): Comfrey
Of all the medicinal herbs that begin with C — the next stop in our herbal alphabet — none is so...
Fortify Your Diet Naturally With Easy-to-Find, Edible Flowers
Radiating exuberance, sunshine and hope, flowers are a feast for the eyes; but that’s not all. You are...
Healing Houseplants: Do Your Potted Plants Have Medicinal Value?
The simple presence of plants in our environment is known to be beneficial in many ways — they help reduce...