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Russians Enter Kharkov Amidst Fierce Fighting for Ukraine’s Cities

Leo Timm
Leo Timm covers China-related news, culture, and history. Follow him on Twitter at @kunlunpeaks
Published: February 27, 2022
A Ukrainian truck burns as Russian forces enter Kharkov on Feb. 27, 2022. (Image: Screenshot via social media)

Russian infantry, tanks, and vehicles have entered the city of Kharkov, Ukraine’s second-largest, as defenders continue to put up strong resistance across the besieged country. 

The previous day, footage and photos from the nearby Russo-Ukrainian border showed the deployment of fresh Russian tanks, super-heavy artillery, supply convoys, and even thermobaric flamethrowers from the direction of Belgorod. Meanwhile, tanks and vehicles of both sides lay in ruins, in flames, or abandoned, testifying to the events since the beginning of the war on Feb. 24. 

The Russian advance of morning Feb. 27 shows light forces, including infantry and Tigr armored cars, arriving in the streets of Kharkov. Some footage shows the Russians coming under fire.


Russian “Tigr” armored cars enter Kharkov. (Image: Screenshot via social media)
Russian armored cars and supply trucks seen in Kharkov. (Image: Screenshot via social media)
A Russian armored car on fire in Kharkov. (Image: Screenshot via social media)
Russian Spetsnaz (special forces) soldiers seen through a residential window in Kharkov. (Image: Screenshot via social media)
Russian soldiers with their tanks speaks speak with a local woman in Kharkov. (Image: Screenshot via social media)

Earlier in the night, damage to a natural gas pipeline in Kharkov resulted in a large mushroom cloud.

The mushroom cloud. (Image: Screenshot via social media)
The pipeline burning. (Image: Screenshot via social media)