Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


People Go Bananas for Miniature Artist’s Tiny Produce
An enchanting collection of tiny fruits and vegetables, crafted by perhaps Vietnam’s greatest miniature...
Time Management for Teens – 7 Steps to Juggling a Tight Schedule
With greater responsibilities and growing interests, teens struggle to juggle their time just as adults...
Shen Yun Delights Audiences at a Packed Lincoln Center
Audience members were lucky to get a ticket to this Friday’s sold-out show at Lincoln Center, one of...
March 15: Beware The Ides of March
Every year, March 15 is branded with a mysterious and gloomy connotation. Movies, books and television...
Amazing Porcupine Puppet Will Grace San Diego Zoo
At Griffith Park in Los Angeles, a gigantic porcupine puppet named "Percy" delighted children and members...
The Polemic History of Crossword Puzzles
To many newspaper readers, solving the crossword puzzles inhabiting the back pages of the bundle has...
Birdwatching – Family Fun For All Seasons
According to a 2016 survey by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, about 20 percent of the U.S. population...
You Don’t Need to Travel to Make Every Day an Adventure
While many of us may fantasize about high adventure, and admire those who are daring and bold, various...
Canaries in a Cold War: A Heart-wrenching Story of Unfathomable Evil, Media Compliance and Unwavering
In this compelling documentary, singer-songwriter James H. White travels to Washington D.C. in the winter...