Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Humans are eating a credit card worth of micro plastics and nanoplastics every week from the water and food packaging, a study stated.
People Consume a Credit Card Worth of Nano and Micro Plastics Per Week: Study
Scientists reveal that human beings are digesting five grams, which weighs about as much as one credit...
Mysterious Cases of Spontaneous Savants
The human mind is full of mysteries, and the mind of the savant is no exception. Some of the greatest...
North America’s Cahokia: A Lost City With Cosmic Views
Cahokia was the largest city in North America before the arrival of Europeans in the New World. Also...
neon-green bioluminescent fungus, known as “foxfire,” glowing on Kalaloch Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington.
The Magic of Bioluminescence – Glowing Fungus Revealed During Clouded Lunar Eclipse
Mathew Nichols, from Forks, Washington, had the most bizarre experience on Nov. 19, 2021. The 28-year-old...
Lesser Galagos – The Curious Bushbaby of South Africa
Southern and Eastern Africa are home to many species of nocturnal animals. One particularly charming...
Night of September 19, the first day unleashing its strength and power of destruction, two months later it is still there.
Photographer Shocked by Volcanic Eruption Close to Home: ‘We Cannot Fight Against Nature, Only Adapt
Travel and nature photographer Saúl Santos Díaz realized his dream of capturing a live volcano on camera...
Millions of Baby Oysters Rescued From Flood Waters in New South Wales
As northern New South Wales (NSW) faced one of its worst floods in over a decade, oyster farmers rushed...
(Courtesy of Tina Marcum Denlinger)
Adorable Little Dog Just Won’t Stop Smiling: ‘Everything To Him Is A Celebration’
Being greeted with a smile is always a treat, but when that smile is on the face of an animal, it makes...
People Go Bananas for Miniature Artist’s Tiny Produce
An enchanting collection of tiny fruits and vegetables, crafted by perhaps Vietnam’s greatest miniature...