Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Understanding Passover – A Jewish Tradition of Faith and Symbolism
Judaism dates back nearly 4,000 years. It is a monotheistic faith, as its followers believe in one God...
Terahertz Waves – Mysterious Radiation of Life
Terahertz waves are the quantum waves that physicists currently know the least about. Located between...
2.4 Billion GE Mosquitoes to Be Released in US, Despite Uncertainties
UK-based biological pest control company Oxitec claims to have discovered a way to apply genetic engineering...
Talking Trees – Communal and Altruistic Habits of the Forest
According to Peter Wohleben, best-selling author of The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They...
Industrial Seed Oils: A Little-Known Big Health Threat
The modern diet has many known pitfalls: too much sugar, highly processed foods with little nutrition...
The Solega People: An Indian Tribe That Coexists in Harmony With Tigers
Amidst the dense vegetation of the Biligiriranga Hills in India, surrounded by the most biodiverse flora...
The ship Vasa in the Vasa Museum. (Courtesy of Anneli Karlsson/Vasa Museum/SMTM)
Historic Recovery and Restoration of Sweden’s Famous Warship – The Wasa
Centuries after sinking roughly 1,300 meters into her maiden voyage, Sweden’s most famous warship, the...
Real Horses in Fairytale Images
Cherry blossoms provide the perfect backdrop for an equine photographer who grew up around horses and...
(Courtesy of Andrew McCarthy and @cosmic_background)
Astrophotographer Creates Incredibly Detailed Moon Images From 200,000 Combined Photos
“I think that the moon is one of the most important objects in space, it is a stepping stone to the rest...