Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Law Professor: Federal Commission Must Examine Presidential Election
Libertarian Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, has called for a federal...
Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, has called for bipartisanship to prevail in American politics.
Senator Joe Manchin: ‘It’s Time for Bipartisanship’
Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, has called for bipartisanship to prevail in American...
A mutated strain of the CCP virus, known as the UK coronavirus strain, has spread into at least eight states in the U.S.
UK Coronavirus Strain Spreading in 8 American States
A mutated strain of the CCP virus, known as the UK coronavirus strain, has spread into at least eight...
Nikki Haley, United States ambassador to the United Nations, raises her hand as she votes yes to levy new sanctions on North Korea designed to curb their nuclear ambitions during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council concerning North Korea at UN headquarters, September 11, 2017 in New York City. communist china is influencing the censorship habits of US Big Tech companies
In Silencing Conservative Voices, Big Tech Takes the Chinese Communist Path
Commentary Former U.S. United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley denounced widespread censorship of President...
Statue of Liberty at sunset. Free and fair elections are essential for miantaining democracy. Now there is suspected Chinese interferece in the election because of Trump
US Spy Agencies Ignored Chinese Interference in 2020 Elections to Avoid Supporting Trump: Report
A 14-page report released by Barry Zulauf, the analytic ombudsman in the Office of the Director of National...
A medical worker (L) administers a Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine to a man at a temporary vaccination center in Beijing on January 8, 2021. (Image: STR/CNS/AFP via Getty Images)
China Underreports CCP Virus Infections as New Strain Emerges
Many areas in China continue strict lockdowns as Beijing tries to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus...
On Jan. 6, the joint session of Congress certified Joe Biden as the president-elect.
Ron Johnson: States Must Take Initiative to Investigate Election Irregularities
On Jan. 6, the joint session of Congress certified Joe Biden as the president-elect. However, Republican...
Big Tech Imposes Censorship Standards on Competitor Parler, Silences Trump and Associates
Google banned Twitter alternative Parler from its App Store on Friday, Jan. 8, claiming the move is to...
Police establish a line to hold back protesters as they gather outside the US Capitol's Rotunda on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Image: OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images)
Capitol Riots, Police Response More Consistent With Agents Provocateurs than Protestors
The siege of the United States Capitol during the Jan. 6 Joint Session of Congress by hundreds of rioters...