Tag: xi jinping
WeChat Mass-Deletes Accounts From Chinese LGBT Groups, Members Fear Harsher Crackdown
Ongoing discrimination and censorship on the LGBT community in China strike again as several groups linked...
Prominent Chinese Nuclear Scientist Found Dead After Fall From Building, Authorities Rule Out Homicide
On Thursday, June 17, prominent Chinese nuclear scientist and vice-president of Harbin Engineering University...
US Media Accepting Millions to Publish China’s Propaganda, Justice Department Warns
Multiple American agencies have accepted millions of dollars from China Daily, a Chinese state-run news...
China’s New Law Against Food Waste
A food waste regulation, first proposed by China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) in December, was...
Hong Kong Electoral Reforms Ensure Only Loyal Chinese Patriots Can be Elected
The National People’s Congress of China passed electoral reforms that give Beijing the power to ensure...
China Suggests Their Viral Passport System be Used Globally
China has recently launched a virus passport system through government-affiliated WeChat, suggesting...
How Communist China is Exploiting Artificial Intelligence: Part 1
“America is not prepared to defend or compete in the AI [artificial intelligence] era,” according to...
Communist Party Claims It Has ‘Eliminated’ Chinese Poverty, Data Shows Real Situation
The “arduous task of eradicating extreme poverty has been fulfilled,” Chinese leader Xi Jinping proclaimed...
Beijing Claims China’s Food Supply Crisis Is Hype, Pins Problem on Overeating
China has admitted that its food supply does at times come under pressure. Recently the country has faced...
Biden CIA Nominee Shares History with the CCP
William Burns, President Biden’s nominee for the Director of CIA, has a history of working with entities...
The CCP’s Bizarre Approach to Reporting
While the global community widely recognizes suppression of freedom of speech and censorship in China...
‘Little Jack Ma’ Used and Abandoned by Chinese Agency
Fan Xiaoqin first became an internet sensation and child celebrity in China in 2016 due to his uncanny...