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42 People Get COVID at Fully Vaccinated Birthday Party at Vaxx Pass Restaurant in 87% Double Jabbed Ontario

Neil Campbell
Neil lives in Canada and writes about society and politics.
Published: December 6, 2021
42 People caught COVID during a fully vaccinated birthday party protected by vaccine passports in a province sporting an 87 percent double jab rate.
The exterior of Elite Restaurant in Windsor, Ontario. 42 people registered a positive PCR test for COVID-19 after a fully vaccinated, vaccine passport protected birthday party held at the business on Nov. 18. Local health authorities and media used the event to call for further vaccine acceptance. Ontario, which has the largest population in Canada, already has an 87 percent double vaccination rate. (Image: Facebook)

More than 40 people have tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) after attending a birthday party at a restaurant in Windsor, Ontario that was protected by vaccine passports. Despite Ontario already having a nearly 90 percent vaccination rate, media and health officials nonetheless used the opportunity to complain about low vaccine acceptance while calling for more injections. 

A large birthday party took place at Elite Restaurant in Windsor on Nov. 18, according to Dec. 3 reporting by CTV News. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU), the area’s local health authority, said 42 people who attended the event have registered positive PCR tests.

“It is the most number of people who have tested positive in any one restaurant in Windsor-Essex since the beginning of the pandemic,” Shanker Nesathurai, Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health, told CTV. 

WECHU issued an alert, adding the restaurant to the Exposure List. It now joins a Home Hardware and the local sporting arena as the only three entities listed.


However, Elite’s outbreak is special in that it comes with additional “high risk situation” caveats, such as a wide potential exposure date of Nov. 18 to Dec. 2. WECHU is also requiring “anyone who attended the restaurant during the identified dates” to “get tested immediately and isolate upon the development of symptoms, even mild ones.”

When asked by Windsor News Today why the time frame was so wide, Nesathurai gave only a vague answer, “Sometimes the risk has a greater time period…To the best of our assessment, we think that individuals who attended events at this restaurant during this time period would be at heightened risk for being exposed to COVID, and if they’re exposed, they may transmit COVID as well.”

The health authority is also mandating that “household members of any individuals that attended” get tested and isolate, and asks “all local employers” to “ensure active screening for all staff daily due to increasing local community risk.”

On Sept. 1, the Province of Ontario announced it would begin requiring vaccine passports from citizens to prove their “fully vaccinated (two doses plus 14 days)” status in order to access bars and restaurants, an edict that came into effect on Sept. 22.

During the early stages, the vaccine passport compliant were able to show their papers by simply printing off a “paper or PDF vaccine receipt that includes all relevant information to prove that they are fully vaccinated,” an approach which was easily subject to counterfeiting. 

However, as early as Oct. 15, the Province rolled out its “Verify Ontario” QR code-based phone app in order to require businesses to scan citizens for health status verification in a central database. A press release noted the app is “built to the SMART Health Card standard adopted by the federal government in collaboration with provinces and territories.”

The framework was announced on Oct. 21 by the federal government for the purposes of a national roll out.

SMART Health Cards is a part of the Vaccine Credentials Initiative, announced in January and linked to a consortium of Big Tech and globalist entities such as Salesforce, Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Economic Forum.

So in theory, a large birthday gathering should have been a safe event because all attendees were fully vaccinated, and vaccines are safe and effective.

Nonetheless, Acting Chief Medical Officer Nesathurai was paraphrased by CTV as taking advantage of the opportunity to promote further vaccine acceptance, “According to Nesathurai, vaccination rates across Windsor-Essex are not as high as the health unit would like to see. The real concern, he added, is that these 42 cases could spread through hundreds of people in the region.”

The editorial side of CTV’s article was happy to follow suit, stating, “About 50,000 people in Windsor-Essex are eligible for the vaccine — but have not yet received it.”

The answer, of course, is always more injections. Nesathurai was then directly quoted as saying, “If we can get more people vaccinated, it’ll be one additional step on top of the public health measures to try and bring COVID under control.”

Skewed and slanted

A Dec. 4 tweet by Christine Elliott, Ontario’s Minister of Health, simultaneously lauded the Province’s 87.3 percent double injection acceptance rate while using the opportunity to criticize the non-compliant by claiming that of the 284 people both hospitalized and associated with COVID, 220 are unvaccinated. 

Elliott further stated the same day, “160 people are in ICU due to #COVID19. 136 are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status and 24 are fully vaccinated.”

Elliott’s comments, although ostensibly factual, appear to be using sleight of hand through subtle data manipulation to encourage public prejudice against the unvaccinated while spurring vaccine acceptance. 

On the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccinations data website, updated Dec. 5, the dataset only lists a total of 93 COVID-19 ICU cases. While 24 cases are, indeed, fully vaccinated, there are 4 partially vaccinated cases and only 65 unvaccinated cases listed. 

The government’s Data Catalogue clarifies, however, that “unvaccinated” is defined not as people who are actually unvaccinated, but as “not having any dose, or between 0-13 days after administration of the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.”

This exception is significant because, according to the Province’s daily vaccination count, from Nov. 26 to Dec. 5, a range between 12,228 and 32,473 Ontarians became “partially vaccinated,” a mean of almost exactly 24,500 per day, which would amount to 318,500 people over the course of 13 days.

The Cases section of the Catalogue elaborates on the discrepancies in the hospitalization count between Elliott’s tweet and the Province’s website, “The cases by vaccination status may not match the daily COVID-19 case count because records with a missing or invalid health card number cannot be linked.”

It is not completely clear if this logic applies to ICU counts and hospitalizations, but if it does, it would mean a truthful representation of the figures cited by Minister Elliott in her call to action are:

  • 160 COVID-associated ICU cases
  • 67 Unknown Status
  • 65 Unvaccinated (some of which may have taken their first dose in the last 13 days)
  • 4 Partially Vaccinated
  • 24 Fully Vaccinated

Additionally, if we use Ontario’s 87 percent double jabbed figure to estimate the number of fully vaccinated cases among those of unknown vaccination status, this would add 58 cases to the vaccinated and the remaining 9 cases to the unvaccinated, elucidating the figures in the following way:

  • 160 COVID-associated ICU cases
  • 74 Unvaccinated (some of which may have taken their first dose in the last 13 days)
  • 4 Partially Vaccinated
  • 82 Fully Vaccinated

This light paints a completely different picture from the manipulated data presented by Minister Elliot in the Government of Ontario’s push to tout a narrative that the unvaccinated are the cause of the pandemic not going away and life not returning to normalcy.

According to Dec. 4 reporting by CityNews, Elite Restaurant has been indefinitely shuttered by health authorities. Manager Bimi Rexhepi told the outlet, “We’re doing what we’re supposed to do and…it’s unfortunate that sometimes people are just not as transparent…Out of all this, it probably affected over 300 people – they can’t go to work, they can’t go to school. For us, we cannot open because of what’s happened.”