One of the biggest sources of rancor in the summertime Dutch farmer protests went beyond the comparatively minor edict that farms may no longer use nitrogen based fertilizers so the government could acquiesce to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, but was rooted in rumors that the government had planned to forcibly seize farms and shut them down.
And while those rumors were often derided as mere conspiracy theory, recent reporting shows they were again just another bona fide fact.
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November 28 reporting by The Telegraph stated clearly that the Dutch government “plans to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to comply with EU nature preservation rules.”
The authors conflated farms to the same level as “other major polluting businesses” while stating that the regime is alleged to pay “well over” market value of the farm durings a powerplay that amounts to little more than a modern day manifestation of the Marxist principle of “Redistribution of Wealth.”
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As The Telegraph went on to lambaste the farming industry as sinful polluters, it also served to illustrate the level of extremism and theater inherent in modern climate activism notions.
“In 2019 a ruling by the Dutch Council of State meant every new activity that emits nitrogen, including farming and building, needs a permit.”
“That has prevented the expansion of dairy, pig and poultry farms, which are major sources of nitrogen from ammonia in manure mixed with urine. This can be harmful for nature when it washes into rivers and the sea,” they claimed.
Yet “well over” does not refer to multiples of the farm’s value, but merely a figure as low as 120 percent of the going market rate, The Telegraph stated based on “earlier leaked versions of the plan.”
The article states that while at first, the offer will be on a voluntary basis, meaning that farms that wish to go out of business can simply collect their check from the government, farmers are being given as much of a “choice” as the unvaccinated were during the Chinese Communist Party-emulating Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) hysteria.
“Ministers will decide if enough farms have come forward voluntarily to close in the autumn,” the article stated, while at the same time, for those farmers who choose to continue with their generational way of life, the Dutch regime is “also looking at eventually taxing nitrogen emissions to encourage more sustainable practices.”
Another point of contention during the summer farmer protests was the allegation that the government intended to seize and confiscate farmland for the purposes of building new housing.
This also seems to be a fact as The Telegraph quoted the Chairman of an “employer’s federation” as stating the confiscation scheme is, “The only way to finally create opportunities for the construction of homes, the construction of new infrastructure and for projects to make the Netherlands more sustainable in the shortest possible time.”