Truth, Inspiration, Hope.
Alaska's snow crab season has been cancelled after a billion of the animals have vanished.
Alaska’s Snow Crab Season Canceled After a Billion Crabs Vanish
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has canceled the winter snow crab season for the first time in...
The Delightful Dragonfly: Facts, Fables and Spiritual Insight
With wings like a fairy’s and colors to match, it’s no wonder the dragonfly is mired in myth and superstition...
6 Reasons You Attract Mosquitoes and What to Do About It
Do you attract more than your fair share of mosquitoes? Your mosquito magnetism is not a figment of your...
Starlings Form a Teaspoon in the Sky, Captured by Israeli Photographer
Seeing a million birds moving as one is an astounding demonstration of how animals unite and coordinate...
Spix’s Macaw (Rare Blue Parrot) Experiment: Be Free, and Multiply!
The Spix’s macaw, with fewer than 200 living members — all in captivity — may be the world’s rarest bird...
Should We Evaluate Animal Intelligence in Assessing the Value of Non-human Life?
As our understanding of animal intelligence and capabilities grows, a growing number of scientists have...
Will Spotted Lanternflies Plague the Garden State in 2022? Maybe Not
First discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014, spotted lanternflies—an invasive species called Lycorma delicatula...
Limited Lighting and Window Treatments: Tristate Area Addresses Modern-Day Threats to Migrating Birds
Municipalities in New York and New Jersey are attempting to address a growing threat to migrating birds...
Clever Dog “Lucky” Starts Dinner for His Chinese Owner –  Video
Many animals are very intelligent and can learn human skills that not only fascinate us, but can also...