Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Inspiration From the Bold and Beautiful Blue Jay
With its gleaming coat to match the brightest sunlit sky, the blue jay is one of many captivating birds...
World’s Biggest Bats – The Fruit-Eating Flying Fox
The world’s biggest bats (Pteropus sp.), also known as flying foxes — or Old World fruit bats — are many...
The Omnipotent Owl – Why Are We Drawn to This Ancient Symbol of Wisdom?
Like a great sage, an owl sits stock-still, seeing everything, but saying nothing. When she takes action...
Alaska's snow crab season has been cancelled after a billion of the animals have vanished.
Alaska’s Snow Crab Season Canceled After a Billion Crabs Vanish
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has canceled the winter snow crab season for the first time in...
The Delightful Dragonfly: Facts, Fables and Spiritual Insight
With wings like a fairy’s and colors to match, it’s no wonder the dragonfly is mired in myth and superstition...
6 Reasons You Attract Mosquitoes and What to Do About It
Do you attract more than your fair share of mosquitoes? Your mosquito magnetism is not a figment of your...
Starlings Form a Teaspoon in the Sky, Captured by Israeli Photographer
Seeing a million birds moving as one is an astounding demonstration of how animals unite and coordinate...
Spix’s Macaw (Rare Blue Parrot) Experiment: Be Free, and Multiply!
The Spix’s macaw, with fewer than 200 living members — all in captivity — may be the world’s rarest bird...
Should We Evaluate Animal Intelligence in Assessing the Value of Non-human Life?
As our understanding of animal intelligence and capabilities grows, a growing number of scientists have...