Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Traditional Chinese Tips for Boosting Your Immunity This Fall
Autumn, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is the time of fruition, introspection, setting limits...
10 Teas to Enhance Meditation (Part 2)
Tea and meditation are an excellent combination, as both should be done slowly and calmly, and without...
Make Peace With Food and Diets Through Intuitive Eating
The desire to lose weight has become a norm in our Western society. According to a study by the US Department...
Lapis Lazuli: Source of the Priciest Pigment on the Planet
Intense blue has always been an important color in traditional artwork as a means of symbolizing heavenly...
Singing Can Relieve Stress and So Much More
We are all familiar with the power of music. It can evoke a wide range of emotions, from lifting our...
Food For Thought – Best Eats For Mental Clarity
Do you wake up some mornings and your head feels like cobwebs, “foggy,“ or  “cloudy?"  You...
10 Teas to Enhance Meditation (Part 1)
After water, tea, in its many forms and variations, is the most consumed beverage on Earth. Not only...
Mattel Makes Barbie Doll of Chilean Paralympian
For countless generations, statues have been created to immortalize heroes; large marble replicas of...
Azurite – The Singing Stone
Azurite (Lapis Linguis) is an ancient stone with a rich history. It is a rare mineral that is characterized...