Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Diet and Depression: 5 Foods to Eat Up When You’re Down, and 5 to Avoid
Everyone experiences periods of melancholy, sorrow, and regret. If we are not proactive in dealing with...
Recognizing Anxiety in Children and How to Help Them
Children react to stress in different ways according to their age, their individual character and their...
Heroes of Ancient China: The Great Spiritual Teacher Lao Zi
As the founder of Daoism and the author of Dao De Ching (道德經), Lao Zi helped shape traditional Chinese...
Meditation: a Painkiller More Effective than Morphine
Do you know anyone who suffers from chronic pain? How many people take a cocktail of painkillers just...
9 Clouds to Put You on Cloud Nine
Skygazing has long been a nourishing practice for the mind. When feeling overwhelmed or hopeless, peering...
‘Companion Plants’ Make Cheerful Friends for Single Dwellers
Most gardeners are familiar with the term “companion planting,” the practice of placing certain plants...
Heroes of Ancient China: The Training of Daoist Master Lao Zi
Lao Zi (also known as Lao Tzu), living between circa 600 and 470 B.C. during the Spring and Autumn Period...
Gold medalist USA's Tamyra Mariama Mensah-Stock poses with her medal after the women's freestyle 68kg wrestling competition of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the Makuhari Messe in Tokyo on August 3, 2021.
Champion’s Golden Gift for Mother After Olympic Victory
In international sports, a gold medal is the shining symbol of a champion’s victory, with every medal...
Turquoise has a rich history rooted in ancient Egypt, Persia, the Aztecs, and Native American folklore.
Turquoise: A Cultural Symbol of Life
Turquoise has been one of the most revered gemstones throughout history and in many parts of the world...