Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Vegetarian Thanksgiving? Original Recipe Trio for the Taste of Tradition, Without the Turkey
Although there are countless options for vegetarian sides at Thanksgiving; the bird, the stuffing and...
Common Products With Toxins and Their Healthy Alternatives, Part I – Covered in Chemicals
As society advances, we strive to find ways to make our lives easier and more convenient; but according...
Practical Feng Shui – Energize Your Space and Spirit Through Ancient Principles of Geomancy
Feng shui (風水), translated literally as “wind water,” is the ancient Chinese practice of aligning physical...
Enhance Your Productivity: 4 Ways to Get Things Done With Time to Spare
Productivity is a big asset when it comes to work. While keeping a consistent and healthy routine can...
Medicinal Herbs and Spices of India, Part V – Basil
Basil (Ocimum basilicum), a popular culinary herb across most of the world, is a green leafy plant that...
Hobbies and Work – How to Make Time for the Things We Love
As technology advances, our minds grow increasingly complicated. With task after task being added to...
Korean Kimchi Made Easy – Recipe
Kimchi is a Korean pickle that really packs a punch. Like other fermentation processes, it has not grown...
The Many Benefits of Rose Water and How to Make It
Roses have been treasured for thousands of years, not only for their intoxicating fragrance, but also...
The Dangerous Side-Effects of Plastics, and How to Minimize Their Toxic Impact
Plastics are not only an environmental disaster; these man-made conveniences introduced a century ago...