Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Ban Zhao’s Precepts for Women (Part I): Cultivating Modesty and Gentleness
The Precepts for Women (Nǚ jiè 女誡) is an ancient Chinese guidebook for cultivating traditional feminine...
Henna: Beauty, Culture and Natural Healing
Regardless of age, race or gender, most people want to look and feel their best for any occasion. Men...
Establish a Morning Routine to Make the Most of Your Day
Consistent morning routines can help you make the most of your day by improving focus, reducing stress...
Use Your Free Time Wisely, and You’ll Find You Have More of It
While we often consider productivity a measure of our self-worth, many of us unwittingly undermine our...
Spheres: Exploring the Mystery and Mysticism of Nature’s Most Perfect Form
From the microscopic building blocks of life, to the countless cosmic bodies that resemble our own planet...
Embrace Humility and Erase Irritability
Do you find yourself snapping at, or complaining about, or annoyed by others? Do some things just seem...
Healing Herbs of India Part VII – Saffron
When I accompanied my sister for her regular pregnancy check-up one time, I was surprised that her doctor...
The Surprising Reason You Can’t Become Tranquil in Meditation
In our daily hustle and bustle of striving to get things done, our neurons seem to be firing non-stop...
Common Products With Toxins and Their Healthy Alternatives, Part III – Hand Sanitizer and Mouthwash
In the final part of our series on toxins in the home, we will discuss how some common hygiene items...