Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Tag: Life

Medicinal Herbs and Spices of India, Part V – Basil
Basil (Ocimum basilicum), a popular culinary herb across most of the world, is a green leafy plant that...
Hobbies and Work – How to Make Time for the Things We Love
As technology advances, our minds grow increasingly complicated. With task after task being added to...
Korean Kimchi Made Easy – Recipe
Kimchi is a Korean pickle that really packs a punch. Like other fermentation processes, it has not grown...
Unlocking the Mystery of the Great Pyramids of Giza
History can provide us with many answers, but at the same time it opens up countless questions. As archeologists...
The Dangerous Side-Effects of Plastics, and How to Minimize Their Toxic Impact
Plastics are not only an environmental disaster; these man-made conveniences introduced a century ago...
Tradition and Spirit Behind the Day of the Dead
Remembering the deceased has been at the core of many traditional rituals and celebrations. This especially...
The Omnipotent Owl – Why Are We Drawn to This Ancient Symbol of Wisdom?
Like a great sage, an owl sits stock-still, seeing everything, but saying nothing. When she takes action...
Mindful Eating: Slower Consumption for Better Health
With tight schedules and busy lives, sitting down to a meal free of distraction can be more of a luxury...
The Anatomy of Arguments, and How to Make the Most of Them
Arguments are uncomfortable for many people — so much so that we may go out of our way to avoid certain...
Bright Ideas: Proper Lighting for Improved Productivity
Humans traditionally lived in diurnal, 24-hour cycles of light and darkness, with the day filled with...
Sweet Mesquite: Quietly Invasive yet Incredibly Useful
While many of us are familiar with mesquite as a distinct barbeque flavor, or the charcoal that lends...
Transformers May Improve Our Understanding of the Human Brain
Understanding how our mind organizes and accesses spatial information has been an ongoing challenge for...