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NJ State Fair Weathers a Week of Extreme Weather With Flying Colors

Ila Bonczek
Ila lives in the Garden State with her family and four chickens. She has been growing produce and perennials for 20 years, and recommends gardening for food and fun, but not for fortune.
Published: August 7, 2024
The NJ State Fair offers wholesome entertainment day and night through the first week in August. (Image: Weiyong/DJY)

AUGUSTA, New Jersey — Located at the northern tip of New Jersey, the historic town of Augusta boasts the largest agricultural fair in the Garden State. Over the course of seven and a half days each August, the New Jersey State Fair brings at least 100,000 visitors from all over the state for wholesome entertainment, education, and eating!

Agricultural Focus

(Image: Weiyong/DJY)

The fair has its humble origins in a local horse show nearly 100 years ago. After the agricultural and equestrian communities came together in 1940, the fair grew in size and content to settle in its now-permanent location in 1976. In 1999 the event was officially named the New Jersey State Fair

Keeping its strong ties to agriculture, the fair is held in conjunction with the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show, and hosts an amazing children’s livestock competition through the 4H club. 

“Champion pigeon” at the NJ State Fair 2024 (Image: Ila Bonczek/Vision Times)

Besides a large equestrian area, no less than six barns are dedicated to farm animals —including alpacas, sheep, goats, pigs, dairy cows, and poultry. From big bovines to baby bantams, all manner of domesticated animals capture the hearts of humans. 

Plants have their place as well, with a conservatory, greenhouse, and garden show — featuring both market class and children’s class competitions. Produce, straw and even scarecrows are judged for awards.


To give us a deeper appreciation for the farming lifestyle that nourishes body and soul, the Snook Agricultural Museum takes us back in time — with displays of antique farm equipment, rural paintings, and traditional, hand-made quilts.

(Image: Dni777 via Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0)

In fact, education is a top priority at the fair, with many live demonstrations and opportunities for hands-on experience. The honeybee exhibit, however, is safely contained. A knowledgeable beekeeper inside a screened booth shares the fascinating life cycle of a hive, and provides a peek at both the stinger and the proboscis (tongue) of a live honeybee.

And more…

But no fair would be complete without an impressive array of vendors, rides and concessions. This magical combination, with something for everyone, keeps people coming day after day, year after year.  

Falun Dafa booth at the fair (Image: Alicja Kutnik)

Falun Dafa, a long-time vendor at the fair, promotes a powerful mind and body practice that has grown in popularity around the world since the 1990s — when it was first introduced in China. Based on the universal values of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, practitioners offer learning materials and free instruction for the relaxing, yet energizing exercises.

(Image: Vision Times staff)

A more recent addition in the vendor lineup is Ganjing World, a new media platform aimed at keeping all content wholesome and inspirational. This year they are promoting a contest called #KindnessIsCool, which offers prizes for the best videos capturing kindness in action. 

(Image: Weiyong/DJY)

Classic rides like the Ferris Wheel, Swings, Roundup, Gravitron, Sizzler and Bumper Cars make up the carnival area. Tickets can be purchased separately or as a package deal with admission.

(Image: Weiyong/DJY)

Finally, with fair fare ranging from pierogies to pizza-on-a-stick, you won’t go hungry; and to quench your thirst on a sultry afternoon, try a tumbler of fresh-squeezed lemonade, bubble tea, or a JerZey Girl pickle.

Gigantic American flag spotted on the way to the Fairgrounds. (Image: Maria Bonczek/Vision Times)

The fair opens each day with the National Anthem, and closes at 10pm, rain or shine. This week was a testimony to its remarkable popularity, with faithful crowds enduring both sweltering heat and/or torrential rain on multiple days.

For a full day of entertainment with free parking, real restrooms, and tasty grub to keep you going, you can’t go wrong with the NJ State Fair. For more information and ticketing, visit the New Jersey State Fair website. Hope to see you there next August!