A former senior CIA official revealed that the Dominion voter system irregularities from the 2020 U.S. presidential election closely resemble the voting manipulation that helped Hugo Chávez maintain power during the 2004 Venezuela elections.
The former CIA official described Chávez, who ruled Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013, as “a new kind of dictator.” He was the leader of the socialist Bolivarian Revolution. Chávez revised the country’s constitution, increasing the presidential term of office from five to six years after coming into power. But he also allowed people to revoke his presidency in a referendum if 20 percent of the 11 million voters signed a petition.
By 2003, the opposition had accumulated enough signatures to trigger a referendum. “That’s when [Chávez] started to panic,” said the former intelligence official, who is also an expert in Latin American politics and counterterrorism. Chávez then turned to Indra, a Spanish company that runs elections.
But, Indra’s technology wasn’t “flexible” enough to manipulate. The regime turned to Smartmatic, a company registered in Delaware, founded by three Venezuelans in 2000.
With $150 million contracted to revamp the country’s election system ahead of the Venuezualen 2004 referendum, Smartmatic bought machines from Olivetti. The Company is one of the top international suppliers of automated gaming and lottery systems.
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The CIA official mentioned a bizarre incident that occurred on election day. He said, “At midnight on election day, the machine stopped counting,” as Chávez was losing. But “by 3 a.m, Chávez had won by 10 percent.”
This occurred in several states during the 2020 U.S. election. In the early morning at 3:00 a.m. on Nov. 4, President Donald Trump’s lead suddenly flipped to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
For the Presidential Election, Dominion was designed to corrupt data
Dominion voting machines use Smartmatic hardware and software. The former CIA official alleges that the technology is specifically designed to corrupt data. Another example occurred during the 2010 and 2013 in the Philippines, when Smartmatic’s electronic “glitches” impacted the midterm elections.
Lawyer Rudy Giuliani, said, “The Dominion Voting System is, in fact, connected to Socialist Venezuela. Moreover, Dominion has been linked to Communist China.
Attorney Sidney Powell recently filed lawsuits in Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia. Each state used Dominion Voting Systems, which uses Smartmatic software that allegedly manipulated the 2020 presidential election.
The official firmly supports Powell’s allegations. “This is basically a terrorist attack into the integrity of the United States’ foundation,” he said.
Dominion Voting System, however, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.
Dominion Voting System software is currently being scrutinized in contested governmental elections. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton informed Newsmax TV that his state assessed and rejected the software.
“There is a manual with instructions on what exactly you need to do in order to execute the fraud,” the former CIA official revealed.
When, in 2004, two academics published statistical evidence of fraud during Chavez’s election, they were met with a rebuff. The report studied the transparency of the vote, using two separate analyses of the official results. In both cases, the chances of a clean vote were less than one percent.
The truth has not been revealed yet
Sumate, a civic group who organized the referendum, supported the study’s claims when Chávez, won by a 59% to 41% margin. “We don’t think the truth about the referendum has been revealed yet,” a spokesman for Sumate told reporters.
Chávez dismissed the claims saying, “No one believes in their theories anymore, and they haven’t been able to prove anything.”
A computer science professor, Aviel Rubin, warned of security defects connected with electronic voting. He said, “I would encourage the Venezuelan government to open up all aspects of the election to public inspection, not just to selected observers. That includes all of the paper ballots, the source code in the voting machines, the random generators … that were used to pick the sites to audit.”
The study by the academics, Messrs. Hausmann and Rigobon suggested that the Venezuelan government may have tampered with only some of the machines, leaving others clean to audit. The machines audited after the election weren’t randomly chosen and were limited to “clean” machines, the report stated.
They also searched for additional irregularities in the election outcome by using the 2003 petition and exit polls on election day to determine a rough measure of a voter’s intent. Because both measures are flawed, they said that the measures should make different mistakes in predicting the ultimate result. It was found that each method had similar margins of error when compared with the official results, an anomaly that has a one percent probability without fraud.