Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Shen Yun Performing Arts Begins New Tour, Delighting Audiences in New York’s Lincoln Center
Through breathtaking dance and music, Shen Yun performing arts is a premier classical Chinese dance and...
March 15: Beware The Ides of March
Every year, March 15 is branded with a mysterious and gloomy connotation. Movies, books and television...
The Wabi Sabi of Artisan Bread
Wabi sabi (侘寂) is a world view rooted in Zen Buddhism that believes that life is made of three simple...
The Legendary Leprechauns of Ireland
With St. Patrick’s Day celebrations coming up, people all over the world, Irish or not, are digging out...
Amazing Porcupine Puppet Will Grace San Diego Zoo
At Griffith Park in Los Angeles, a gigantic porcupine puppet named "Percy" delighted children and members...
Pebbles Masterpiece by Justin Bateman
Artist Uses Pebbles to Replicate Famous Paintings-‘Pebbles Are My Pixels’
"The most seductive thing about art is the personality of the artist himself," said the infamous French...
You Don’t Need to Travel to Make Every Day an Adventure
While many of us may fantasize about high adventure, and admire those who are daring and bold, various...
How and Why to Learn a Foreign Language
Spreekt u Nederlands? Parles-tu Français? ¿Hablas Español? 你會說中文嗎?If you understood any of these questions...
The Traditional Chinese Garden – A Miniature of Nature, in Harmony With Man
The traditional Chinese Garden has a recorded history of over three thousand years. Still treasured today...