Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Freedom Convoy Leaders Issue Open Letter to All Elected and Appointed Officials in Canada

Published: February 17, 2022
Truck drivers and their supporters block streets during an anti vaccine mandate protest near the Parliament Buildings on Feb. 15, 2022 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canada's history to try to put an end to the blockade which is now in its third week. (Image: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

On Feb. 17 the leaders of the Freedom Convoy 2022 protests raging in Canada’s capital of Ottawa issued an open letter reaffirming their demands and calling for leaders to “restore the rights and freedoms of all Canadians.”

The protesters demands include an end to all federal, provincial and vaccine passports; the removal of all masking requirements, an end to all state-of-emergency declarations pertaining to peaceful protests, financial protection for all small businesses harmed by COVID-19 restrictions and a renewed respect for freedom of choice without discrimination. 

“We began our freedom convoy with a clear destination: Restoring freedom for our families, our neighbours, and our country. We arrived in Ottawa 20 days ago, taking a stand for our future,” the letter reads.

The protests’ leaders blasted the Canadian government’s approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic, labeling the measures enacted, “worse than useless.”

“For instance: families have become separated; children, whom require intimacy and play for their educational and social development, are suffering the consequences of inhumane isolation; small-businesses, especially the service industry, can no longer survive with limited capacities; mental health issues such as drug-addiction, alcohol dependency, and suicide have increased several-fold,” the leaders assert, adding that “the list of harms is too many to document here.”

The writers bring focus to the diversity of Canadians participating in the protest calling the gathering of thousands of Canadians over the past three weeks “a truly Canadian gathering.”

“The Sikh communities shared food with everyone. Dance parties were set up. Concerts with sea-shanties were held. Children drew thank-you cards for truckers and handed roses to police officers in between playing street hockey, drinking hot-chocolate, and jumping in bouncy castles.”

The protesters’ demands have evolved following the Trudeau liberal government invoking the Emergencies Act.

They are now asking that the Supreme Court of Canada review government actions taken in the face of the peaceful dissent and are asking that a public inquiry of the government’s response be conducted.

“We need to know what went wrong — what caused governments to so easily trample our rights and freedoms and cause so much harm to our people and our nation.”

“We all have a choice. Please join with us and Canadians who seek freedom. This can be part of your legacy. We are uniting Canadians across the country and will accept your support, even if you’ve previously been reluctant. This is not about the past — this is about the future. You too can be on the right side of history. End the mandates. End the vaccine passports,” the leaders plea.