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Twitter Bans Antifa Accounts for Brandishing Rifles at ‘Transgender Storytime’ Session

Victor Westerkamp
Victor resides in the Netherlands and writes about freedom and governmental and social changes to the democratic form of nations.
Published: November 30, 2022
Twitter bans Antifa after transgender child grooming with guns.
A file photo of Twitter imagery. Since Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, some far left groups have been banned from the platform for hateful conduct, while some right-leaning, conservative voices have been reinstated. Musk’s latest actions raised hopes among netizens that he would live up to his promise to transform Twitter into a beacon of free speech. Still, others fear the latest interventions were merely cosmetic. (Image: Nathan Stirk/Getty Images)

Elon Musk’s Twitter recently banned an account belonging to the far left Antifa group for hateful conduct after it showed up in full combat gear to guard a “transgender storytime” event targeting children in Texas.

“A local Texas ANTIFA group @EFJBGC has been permanently suspended from Twitter for Hateful Conduct after showing up armed outside a Transgender Storytime for Kids in Denton, TX.” Tayler Hansen, an independent journalist, wrote on Twitter.

The post showed a group of masked, fully clad in black bloc, AR-15-style rifle carrying vigilantes in balaclavas outside Patchouli Joe’s bookstore, which hosted the event on Nov. 19 in Denton, Texas.

The event coincided with the last day of the “International Transgender Awareness Week.”

Hansen, who managed to sneak in, recounted in an interview with The Post Millennial, “The book store was allowing ANTIFA inside to change into Black Bloc – I got inside the bathroom, and there was a bunch of bags. ANTIFA freaked out because they realized they left their stuff in the bathroom.”


Hansen didn’t manage to finish the whole “storytime” either, as he was ousted after a short while by a cluster of Antifa guards aided by the local police telling him he “wasn’t welcome anymore.” 

“Inside of the Transgender Storytime for Children hosted in Denton— Children in attendance were gifted trans flags to wave around. I was almost immediately removed by Armed ANTIFA at the request of the owner, Police Officers were inside the event as well helping with security,” Hansen wrote on Twitter.

Blaze TV host Sara Gonzales and comedian Alex Stein were also on the scene and likewise posted on Twitter about the remarkable display of power by the bloc members. 

Stein, who tried to get some answers from the Antifa members about their motives, added, jokingly, that the guards were “protecting these children so they can go get indoctrinated and go in there for transgender storytime; You’re such a good American. God bless.”

Twitter spring

The move to ban leftist groups from its platform for hate speech is not entirely a novelty, as Twitter had removed several Antifa-related groups last year during the pre-Musk era in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol Riots theater.

What is new, however, is that the social media moloch recently reinstated several conservative influencers’ accounts — most notably, that of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

James Lindsay, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Jordan Peterson have also seen their accounts reestablished over the past weeks.

Musk recently polled his audience on whether Twitter should reconcile with all accounts banned in the past. “Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts, provided they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam?” Musk asked. 

It turned out that more than 72 percent of the respondents favored restoring all formerly blocked accounts, provided they do not engage in criminal behavior.

To many, Musk’s appearance on the Twitter scene may have heralded something of a period of glasnost on the formerly leftist-occupied and managed social network.

Some netizens suspect Musk’s efforts to turn Twitter into a more diverse — or “inclusive” in the non-bastardized meaning of the word — platform may only be mere cosmetic adaptations to please more conservative users. 

Only superficial changes

However, many diehard Antifa accounts are still being pampered by Twitter, while more controversial voices like Alex Jones and Jim Hoft remain silenced.

Prominent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) injection critics like Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough, who had roughly half a million followers, are still expelled under the old censorship regime.

Musk also recently stated he wanted to turn his new acquisition into an all-purpose app very similar to the Chinese Communist Party-controlled WeChat, an app that serves as a keystone for the regime’s notorious social credit system.