Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Common Products With Toxins and Their Healthy Alternatives, Part I – Covered in Chemicals
As society advances, we strive to find ways to make our lives easier and more convenient; but according...
Practical Feng Shui – Energize Your Space and Spirit Through Ancient Principles of Geomancy
Feng shui (風水), translated literally as “wind water,” is the ancient Chinese practice of aligning physical...
Enhance Your Productivity: 4 Ways to Get Things Done With Time to Spare
Productivity is a big asset when it comes to work. While keeping a consistent and healthy routine can...
Hobbies and Work – How to Make Time for the Things We Love
As technology advances, our minds grow increasingly complicated. With task after task being added to...
The Dangerous Side-Effects of Plastics, and How to Minimize Their Toxic Impact
Plastics are not only an environmental disaster; these man-made conveniences introduced a century ago...
Mindful Eating: Slower Consumption for Better Health
With tight schedules and busy lives, sitting down to a meal free of distraction can be more of a luxury...
The Anatomy of Arguments, and How to Make the Most of Them
Arguments are uncomfortable for many people — so much so that we may go out of our way to avoid certain...
Overcoming Artist’s Block Part V – Sharing Your Art
After a long personal journey to understand and overcome artist's block, it's time to let our new inspirations...
10 Tips For Healthy Aging From Doctors
10 Tips for Healthy Aging From Doctors
How can patients actively facilitate healthy aging, according to doctors? The American Medical Association...