A new undercover video sting on a trio of Pfizer scientists speaking in a personal setting has not only shed light on the organization’s profit-driven, surveillance-based corporate culture, but showed that Big Pharma’s scientists are personally aware that natural immunity trumps the synthetic immunity generated by their company’s products.
On Oct. 4, investigative journalist team Project Veritas published Part Four of its COVID-19 Vaccine Exposed series, showing candid comments made by three Pfizer scientists in a restaurant setting to a female undercover operative.
In the first part of the series, Veritas featured undercover video taken by a nurse working at a Department of Health and Human Services hospital that showed doctors at her facility concerned about underreporting of vaccine adverse reactions.
Part Two showed an FDA Economist advocating for forcibly vaccinating blacks and low IQ whites with blow darts in order to return to normal.
Part Three showed candid conversation from two scientists who worked for Johnson & Johnson, one who was happy to advocate for creating a class of “second grade citizens” through vaccine passports, and another who showed they still had a conscience.
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Part Four is composed of undercover video clips taken by what appears to be the same female journalist with three Pfizer scientists in a personal setting on separate occasions.
The first, Rahul Khandke, who Project Veritas says is a scientist for the company, appears in the exposé only briefly. However, Khandke complains about the extensive education seminars he has been made to attend pushing a narrative that Pfizer’s vaccine provides superior protection to natural immunity.
“We’re bred and taught to be like ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ And that’s like, honestly… We have to do so many seminars on this. Like, you have no idea. We have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to, like, ‘You cannot talk about this. It’s not in public’,” he said.
Khandke dissented from his training when he shared his opinion that natural immunity was sufficient protection, “Logically though, if you have antibodies built up, like, you should be able to prove you have those built up…maybe potentially that doesn’t seem that crazy.”
His opinion appears to be backed by some data. In a recent examination of more than 20 million Medicare patients aged 65+ by a Department of Defense-backed artificial intelligence platform, in a subset of 5.6 million vaccinated individuals the data showed that previous COVID-19 infection had the lowest odds ratio for breakthrough hospitalization among all risk factors.
Specifically, in August, a large preprint study from Israel that analyzed anonymized health records from one of the country’s four mandatory health care providers showed that Pfizer vaccine recipients were at 27 times greater risk of symptomatic breakthrough infection compared to those who were unvaccinated but had previously been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Khandke’s opinion on natural immunity was backed by his peers’. In another clip, the Veritas operative tells Chris Croce, who the Project says is a Senior Associate Scientist for the firm, that a recent antibody test showed she has “monster immunity” after suffering from COVID as far back as eight months ago.
Croce replied, “I mean, that’s no worries. Same thing with my brother.”
The journalist then asked the scientist, “So should I get the vaccine?”
Croce paused, and said, “Wait. If your immunity starts to wane, then get vaccinated.”
Croce told the woman she was “probably more” protected than what could be gained from accepting Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection.
He went into detail, “So, when we came out with… so right now we’re seeing an increase in the Delta Variant. Mostly not because of the variant, mostly because of immune… their, basically their antibodies are waning.”
“So they’re still protected, but not have that 95 percent efficacy. It’s more like 70 percent.”
“So you’re being… you’re protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response.”
Croce also showed he was conscious about the push for vaccine passports being used to coerce more people to accept injection, “So basically they’re trying to keep track of everyone that’s been vaccinated versus the census of how many people are actually reported…They’re trying to get their numbers, but still, you shouldn’t have to show anything, which is basically, in my opinion, a violation of HIPAA.”
The scientist dissented from the establishment’s talking points, “No one has the right to ask you if you’ve been vaccinated. It’s an invasion of privacy. I don’t agree with it. You have multiple companies that were basically given a crap ton of money to produce vaccines, and they’re pushing them.”
When the journalist asked why monoclonal antibody treatments were being downplayed and restricted by the Biden administration, Croce’s reply was simple: “Money. It’s disgusting.”
“I mean, I still feel like I work for an evil corporation ‘cause it comes down to profits in the end, and I mean, I’m there to help people, not to make millions and millions of dollars. So I mean, that’s the moral dilemma.”
“Basically our organization is run on COVID money now. It netted like, over $15 billion last year.”
Asked if myocarditis was a concern as a vaccine adverse reaction, he said that Pfizer was actually investigating the disease internally, “Yeah. More so for younger people. That’s what we’re looking into right now. We just sent like, 3,000 patients’ samples to get [externally] tested for, like, elevated troponin levels to see if it’s vaccine based.”
Croce also expressed reservation over the culture of surveillance and compliance he works under at Pfizer, “There’s ears and eyes everywhere…at Pfizer, like, in the building. So it’s kind of just, like, you don’t talk about anything that can implicate you or Big Pharma. Even if you shut the door to the office, it’s kind of like, who’s listening?”
The third man identified by Veritas as a Pfizer scientist, Nick Karl, was asked by the journalist the million dollar question: “How do we get the unvaccinated vaccinated?”
Karl’s reply was analogous to the one given by Justin Durrant of Johnson & Johnson in Part Three of the series, except unlike Durrant, who smiled and laughed throughout his answer, Karl treated vaccine coercion in a serious fashion, speaking with a solemn tone, “I feel like what they’re doing… like for instance the city needs, like, vaxx cards and everything. It’s just like about making it so inconvenient for, like, unvaccinated people, to the point where they’re just like ‘[expletive] it, I’ll get it,’ you know?”
“Like, if you are restricting people that are unvaccinated from doing anything, and then, like, vaccinated people are allowed to do anything they want, eventually they’re just going to be like ‘[expletive], let me just get vaccinated’.”
And just like his colleagues, Karl acknowledged the virtues of natural immunity, going into detail about how the mechanism of gene therapy vaccines work compared to the body’s intrinsic immune system response, “When somebody is naturally immune, like, they got COVID, they probably have better… Like, not better, but probably more antibodies against the virus.”
“Because what the vaccine is, is like I said that [spike] protein, that’s just on the outside [of a coronavirus].”
Karl continued, “So it’s just one antibody against one specific part of the virus. When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against, like, multiple pieces of virus, and not only just like that outside portion, like the inside portion. The actual virus.”
“So your antibodies at that point are probably better at that point than the vaccination.”