Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Inspiration From the Bold and Beautiful Blue Jay
With its gleaming coat to match the brightest sunlit sky, the blue jay is one of many captivating birds...
Li Bai: The Star of China’s Golden Age of Poetry
If any verses of ancient Chinese poetry continue to uplift the spirit and impress the intellect of today...
In White House Thanksgiving Tradition, Biden Pardons Two Turkeys
WASHINGTON — U.S. President Joe Biden, wearing his trademark aviator sunglasses, pardoned two turkeys...
Common Products With Toxins and Their Healthy Alternatives, Part I – Covered in Chemicals
As society advances, we strive to find ways to make our lives easier and more convenient; but according...
Practical Feng Shui – Energize Your Space and Spirit Through Ancient Principles of Geomancy
Feng shui (風水), translated literally as “wind water,” is the ancient Chinese practice of aligning physical...
The Dunhuang Caves: An Earthly Glimpse Into Otherworldly Realms
In China’s northwest, on the edge of the Gobi Desert, lies a town that was once a blessed stopover for...
The Orchid Pavilion: A Celebration of Beauty in Poetry, Calligraphy, and Music
It was the third day of the third lunar month of the year 353. Wang Xizhi, the greatest calligrapher...
Korean Kimchi Made Easy – Recipe
Kimchi is a Korean pickle that really packs a punch. Like other fermentation processes, it has not grown...
The Many Benefits of Rose Water and How to Make It
Roses have been treasured for thousands of years, not only for their intoxicating fragrance, but also...