Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Vocal Hui Muslim Poet Assaulted By Stranger Near His Home in Shandong
After spending three years keeping a low profile in order to avoid Chinese authorities, vocal Hui Muslim...
A CCP spy pretending to be a tourist attempted to enter an invite-only briefing at the UK's House of Commons on the situation of eight Hong Kong dissidents.
Mass Trials and Bounty Hunts of Overseas Chinese Activists Sparks Concern at UN
Human rights investigators at the United Nations (UN) have raised the alarm concerning mass trials carried...
Family of Washington-based Student Activist Targeted By Chinese Authorities
Even in the United States Chinese international student Zhang Jinrui cannot escape the crosshairs of...
Uyghur Scholar, Rahile Dawut, Sentenced to Life in Prison By China
The U.S. government recently condemned China for imposing a life sentence on Uyghur scholar, Rahile Dawut...
‘Communism Must Perish So That China May Live’: Chinese Quit the CCP
The Tuidang movement, founded in November 2004, encourages Chinese around the world to renounce...
The CCP's Confucius Institutes have appeared to shut down, only to reopen under new names.
Inside Beijing’s Stealth Infiltration: How the CCP Exerts Its Influence Across US Campuses
As a new academic year kicks off, the specter of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) indoctrination and...
China Launches Retroactive Investigations Into Healthcare Sector Corruption
Various healthcare-related departments in China are undergoing a one-year probe by the country's National...
Tibetan Writer, Lobsang Lhundup, Freed After Four Years Behind Bars, But Remains Under Surveillance
After being detained in jail for four years on dubious charges, Tibetan writer Lobsang Lhundup — known...
Anticipating End of Communist Rule, Hong Kong Dissidents Form Parliament-in-Exile
A number of figures who fled Hong Kong after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ramped up political repression...