Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Kindness Is Contagious: One Family’s Selfless Deed Generated Another
Kindness is a blessing, both to the recipient and the one who bestows it. In a world full of crises,...
Reset Your Biological Clock and Become More Productive, More Proactive
The time we go to bed and how much sleep we need is unique to each of us. Our sleep cycle and circadian...
Pigeons and People – A Complex and Enduring Relationship
Pigeons and people have known each other since ancient times. Over the course of history these birds...
Overspending? How To Get Your Finances Under Control
Managing finances can be a daunting task, especially with a constant flow of money coming in and going...
A Fate Preordained: The Rise and Fall of Zhou Yafu, Prime Minister of Han
Fate and predestiny are ingrained in traditional Chinese belief. The word ming (命), which means "life...
Can I Plant My Tomatoes Yet? – Spring Planting Guide for Tender Crops
Tomatoes and other warm-weather plants always pose a quandary for those of us in cool climates. If you...
Food and DNA – Are Our Genes Affected by What We Eat?
Food is an essential part of our daily lives. Whether we mindfully enjoy every bite consciously or simply...
The Dodecahedron – An Ancient Roman Artifact of Unknown Application
The powerful Roman empire, with its fascinating and well-documented history, made great contributions...
The Ins and Outs of Oat Milk – The Rising Star in Alt-Milk
While dairy-free dairy has been gaining consumers for decades, one (not)milk has recently become an especially...