Truth, Inspiration, Hope.
10 things doctors wish their patients understood about sleep
10 Things Doctors Wish Patients Knew About Sleep
What are some of the top recommendations from doctors to people complaining about sleep issues, including...
Calming the Control Freak in You
Do you have an inner control freak? Most of us have the wish to control more in life than is possible...
Overcoming Artist’s Block Part III – Simple and Fun Strategies
In parts I and II of this series, we have identified the possible causes of our artist’s block and have...
6 Simple Habits for Greater Happiness and Productivity
While we would all like to lead a fulfilling and enjoyable life, oftentimes the two goals seem incompatible...
Overcoming Artist’s Block Part II – Ensure Your Physical Well-Being
Artist’s block may seem like a mere state of mind. Since creativity is intangible, it's easy to assume...
Cell phone addiction leads to depression, poor sleep, and becoming a cyberbully, research has discovered
Mobile Phone Addiction Linked to Depression, Cyberbullying, and Poor Sleep
Addiction to mobile phones is thought to be at an all-time high, according to multiple studies and surveys...
Reunite With Family Under a Full Moon! China’s Mid-Autumn Festival
Each year Chinese people — especially those who live far from home — make notorious efforts to reunite...
The Delightful Dragonfly: Facts, Fables and Spiritual Insight
With wings like a fairy’s and colors to match, it’s no wonder the dragonfly is mired in myth and superstition...
China’s Glorious Culture Preserved Through Traditional Education Deteriorated Quickly Under Communism
Teaching is considered one of the noblest of occupations. Traditional education not only educates the...