Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


How Lahaina Is Fighting To Safeguard Its Legacy in the Face of Unprecedented Tragedy
Beginning Aug. 8, the idyllic island paradise of West Maui found itself grappling with an unprecedented...
Northwest Territories Wildfire Evacuees Face Harrowing Escape After Over 20,000 Ordered to Evacuate
For the first time in Canadian history an entire capital city has been ordered to evacuate due to wildfires...
Maui Wildfires Claim Over 110 Lives, Leaving Thousands Homeless as Rescue Efforts Continue
On Aug. 8, the towns of Lahaina and Kula in West Maui, Hawaii bore witness to unprecedented wildfires...
Unprecedented Flooding in China Leads to Resentment, Protests
The Chinese authorities’ response to severe flooding in and around Beijing has sparked widespread anger...
Typhoon Khanun Makes Bizarre 90-degree Turn Towards Korea, Threatening Northeast China
Typhoon Khanun, the sixth typhoon to hit Asia this year, has once again changed its course, making a...
Major Floods Strike Northern China, Killing 20 and Causing Widespread Destruction
Torrential rains bearing down on China’s capital of Beijing and its neighboring cities have resulted...
Tropical Storm Doksuri to Evolve Into a Super Typhoon, Threatens Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland
On Monday, July 23, tropical storm Doksuri evolved into a typhoon and is expected to further develop...
NY: Orange County Authorities Manage Impacts as Cleanup Continues Following Unprecedented Floods
Almost a week after historic flooding ripped through Orange County, New York, the cleanup continues with...
Record-Smashing Heatwaves Rip Across China’s Northwest, Projected to Last for Days
In the heart of China's northwest, a remote settlement is grappling with scorching temperatures soaring...